Thursday, August 16, 2007


Want to know why the GWOT makes you think you're stuck on the set o Groundhog Day? Because you are.

Six years after the terrorist masterminds of al Qaeda killed over 3,000 Americans and caused billions of dollars in damages - and caused Rudy! and EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman to ignore toxins in the air and allow the brave rescue and reconstruction workers to suffer respiratory and other ailments - we are not even at square one. We're struggling to find square one and begin to address the problem of Islamic extremism.

Back then, Osama bin Laden escaped to the mountain hideaway at Tora Bora. It seems really odd to type this, but at the time Georgie and Rummy and Kheneyev did not want to commit American troops. Can you imagine? They didn't want to send US troops somewhere? Nowadays they're dropping them all over the place. There's a flea market in Timbuktu that's been occupied since '03, and they wouldn't send troops to get the guy who attacked us.

At Tora Bora, Afghan forces, as expected, did not get Osama. American forces, unexpectedly, dropped the whole matter. It's like they forgave him or something.

And now here we are in the middle of 2007, back at Tora Bora. This time, there are American troops as well as Afghans. Unfortunately, it's long after Osama and Mullah Omar got away Scot free.

We are so lost and broken now it's hard to track back to 2001. Over a year into his failed presidency, Georgie was only starting to bankrupt the federal government through giveaways to the anti-needy and uncontrolled spending. Americans were not yet the targets of surveillance. People were not yet being disappeared like Pinochet's victims and tortured like, well, Pinochet's victims.

The appropriate response to 9-11 was to crush the Taliban, root out al Qaeda, and rebuild Afghanistan. Instead, we oversaw the marginal ousting of the Taliban, let al Qaeda off the hook, and watched Afghanistan slide back into its cycle of poverty, opium production, and religious extremism.

Our abject failure started at Tora Bora. The troops were not deployed to get Osama because they were being held for the invasion of Iraq.

We do truly like in the Bizarro United States where everything wrong is right. We're back to square 'negative 100,000.' Progress is something we used to do, but gave it up for simple obedience.


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