Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I'm not really the target audience for them, but really, how pathetic are the Repub presidential candidates? I can't remember a year when the pickings were so utterly sad for one party. It's no wonder that "None of the Above" is that party's frontrunner - even among their state governors.

Rudy is a complete misery - and he's the frontrunner among humans. The guy shares none of their core principals - on abortion and gay rights particularly - but the faithful are willing to let that slide. Rudy, for his part, makes the right noises about choosing Supreme Court Justices to take away abortion rights.

The reason he's in the lead is simple: he's an unapologetic totalitarian. He wants to "stay on offense" by being as offensive as possible to as many people as possible. Could he really be their nominee? When, as a pro-war candidate, he blew off the Baker-Hamilton commission to make money?

Well, the money-making thing might be in his favour. Clearly, there is nothing Repubs put before profit.

Mitt Romney, too, has flipped and flopped and comes across as a political operator. He's also a 'blood and guts' guy who wants to "double Guantanamo." But he's also a Massachusetts guy, and has a hard time faking authenticity - the thing Little Georgie can do in his sleep.

John McCain, by all rights, should be the frontrunner. He was only a Karl Rove slime away from getting the nomination in 1999. But he's been throwing away his credibility like it's year-old yogurt for the past year (at least), and cozying up to Georgie, hoping for a Rovian mojo transplant. Repubs are sick of him.

Which leaves Fred Thompson, the former actor and senator. Thompson, and I can't stress this heavily enough, has inoperable cancer. Umm, Fred? Go home.

But it says a lot about the field of nobodies and wannabe dictators who are trying to out-war each other that Cancer Guy is the one they're all worried about.

Of course, I thought Georgie was a complete joke back in '99, so who am I to judge? Just listen to actual Repubs and their actual frontrunner: None of the Above.


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