Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fascist Coup

No, I'm not referring to the last six years. Though, obviously, the words do apply. The Bush Junta is like a fascist coup in slo-mo. But this title refer to what Georgie's grandfather was up to in the "dirty thirties."

Ahh, the 1930's - possibly the decade that Georgie and Cheney and the rest of the authoritarian right are trying to return us to. After all, they tried their damnedest to eliminate Social Security. It seems like they've always had it in for the New Deal. But there's a new BBC report based on new documentation that says:

BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America
Do No Evil – The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America,believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.

According to, this was part of the popular fascist leaning and anti-Semitism of the day. Western labour efforts at organizing unions was conflated with hard-core communism, and was seen by popular thinkers like Hitler as Jewish conspiracies:

In the 1930s, the anti-Semitism of corporate America likewise revealed itself to be the other side of the coin of anti-socialism, anti-Marxism, and red-baiting. Most American businessmen denounced Roosevelt's New Deal as a "socialistic" meddling in the economy. The anti-Semites of corporate America considered Roosevelt to be a crypto-Communist and an agent of Jewish interests, if not a Jew himself; he was routinely referred to as "Rosenfeld," and his New Deal was vilified as the "Jew Deal." 17 In his book The Flivver King, Upton Sinclair described the notoriously anti-Semitic Henry Ford dreaming of an American fascist movement that "pledged to put down the Reds and preserve the property interests of the country; to oust the Bolshevik [Roosevelt] from the White House and all his pink professors from the government services ... [and] to make it a shooting offense to talk communism or to call a strike." 18 Other American tycoons also yearned for a fascist saviour who might rid America of its "reds" and thus restore prosperity and profitability. Du Pont provided generous financial support to America's own fascist organizations, such as the infamous "Black Legion," and was even involved in plans for a fascist coup d'état in Washington. (Hofer and Reginbogin, 585–6

And, or course, Prescott Bush was up to his neck in Nazi money by then, and apparently right in the thick of this conspiracy.

Look: the Great Depression was having two effects on big business: it was depressing their earnings (poor babies) and radicalizing labour, only a bit more than a decade after the Soviet communist revolution in Russia. That's scary stuff if you're a social Darwinist tycoon who thinks that the rich are a better species than the poor or anybody who didn't look and think like them.

They were going to overthrow the democratic government in the United States because of the New Deal. They were that opposed to concepts of fairness to the poor an working class, and that in love with what was then a shiny new niche of autocracy - the National Socialism (which has nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with jingoistic nationalism) of Germany and Italy.

So that's the roots of the tree that we're swinging from today. The president's grandfather was a fascist.

That's not to say that old Prescott was every accused of any crime that I know of, other than collaboration with these 'industrialists.' And he did deal with Nazi financiers in Germany, to the point where the Truman Commission in the Senate had to force him to stop.

So what does that mean today? When you look at the clearly authoritarian behaviour of the Junta, it's clear that they have so sympathy or understanding for the 'lower classes.' They're happy to let fraudsters loose with no restrictions in Iraq and on projects like Katrina reconstruction. Bechtel did less than half the work they were paid billions for. And don't even start on Haliburton. They seem quite happy to give big corporations billions of tax dollars to do with what they please.

And they please to pocket it.

This doesn't come from nothing. George W. didn't come from the homestead of Eugene V. Debs. Families venerate their patriarchs, none more so than rich American WASPS. For an American to even countenance the sort of treason it would take to plan a coup is outrageous. But it's the fringe of the farthest right wing of American 'political' thought.

And while HW Bush fought WWII and served many public trusts (as Ambassador to China and head of the CIA for example), young impressionable Georgie never had his feet to the fire - ever. He has no life experience to show him that old Prescott was a loony.

So when his sycophants/masters tell him that he is above the law in all cases, he believes it. When they tell him Social Security is bad because - what? Old people should still work in sweat shops? Eat dog food? He believes them. Why not? It was the Jew Deal that ruined things. Hell, they probably thought we picked the wrong side to join in WWII.

It's surreal to think that the racial-theory social Darwinists from the 1930's still cast their shadow, but they do. Prescott's grandson is calling the shots.

And the coup continues 75 years later as the Constitution is slowly roasted.


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