Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Where have I been?

For the last one true reader, you may be wondering where the hell I've been. It's been a while since I missed a whole week. Well, I've had a few things come up lately, so my posts will be fewer. I will not write one of those ridiculously maudlin "I'm leaving this blog so thanks for the memories" bits. I fully intend to blog whenever the spirit or schedule permit.

I am deeply and desperately disappointed in the Democrats in Congress. It's past the time when the ineffectual cop is a bigger problem than the serial killer. The Bush boys keep shoving it in our faces, and these Democrats keep taking it. I don't know how Glenn Greenwald can continue to take this stuff on. Maybe because he's making a living out of it. Dunno.

But the Democratic cave-in over the FISA court really kicked me where it hurts. That's expressly why they were voted in. If for no other reason, they are supposed to do no more damage. They are supposed to pass no more tax cuts, fund no more religious loons, approve of any further war making, and cease all possible madness.

Instead, they cave into the worst and least popular president in the nations history on a life-and-death constitutional issue.

Why did the Revolutionary generation put their lives, wealth, and sacred honour on the line to fight the world's greatest and most powerful empire? So that George Bush could become king and the 'loyal opposition' could crown him?

If Washington and Jefferson were around today to see what has become of America,m I really believe they'd question why they bothered with the whole thing.


More later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abe, I couldn't agree with you more...which is why I am wondering where are all the readers who should be responding likewise to your words. You are a powerful writer. This sounds like your most discouraged moment concerning our country.

Mabel of Portland

10:20 AM  

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