Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Best at Bad

I guess "Turdblossom" is still at the White House, because they keep making the kind of backward violent narrow decisions that are his hallmark. To be fair, this latest looming debacle smacks of Dikh Kheneyev, the last die-hard member of the Soviet Politburo.

The quaint old Soviet strategy of using violence to intimidate opponents (and for the sheer joy of abusing anyone weaker than yourself) will never die until Dikh's shriveled prune of a ticker finally decides that even it can't muster the necessary enthusiasm to support him. Of course, it's been years since Kheneyev acually required a flesh-and-blood pump to keep his circulation going. Vampires wish they could be as cold and lifeless as Kheneyev.

The looming debacle to which I refer is the move to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. Gee, you think somebody's trying to start a war?

No friend am I of the Rev Guard. I think they're a bunch of totalitarian thugs and racist Jew-hating scum. But what does it do to declare them a 'terrorist organization?' After all, we are fighting a "Global War on Terror." Our leading jack-booted brownshirts have already declared that they'll strike at terrorists anywhere.

But wait - that's not true, either. Because Obama said he'd go after Osama bin Laden or other al Qaeda types in the lawless border regions of Pakistan if Musharraf wouldn't, and the rightists had A FIT.

So, we can trample on any sovereign national territory of any country in the world, friend or foe, as long as there are no al Qaeda terrorists there. Go ahead and build secret 'black' prisons in European countries where it's expressly forbidden. Invade and occupy anybody you feel like - as long as you're no closer to our boyhood chum Osama.

If a branch of the Iranian military is declared a terrorist group, there is no legal impediment to hitting them. Any opposition by the increasingly spineless Democratic Congress will be literally supporting terrorists. The Neocon wet dream of a GWOT-excused invasion of Iran will be fast-tracked.

My great fear in the remaining days of the worst leader in the history of democratic governments is that Georgie really has a messiah complex and will feel the need to whack Iran while he still has a chance. If, as reported, he thinks he's been called by his backward myopic caricature of a deity to 'free' the Middle East, he could very well order the strike any time up to the last day.

Whereas the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen happened so close to the turnover of power that Bill Clinton didn't want to be the one to strike back and start something that the next president would be stuck with ending, Georgie will have no such qualms. He's already proven that he's delighted to literally mortgage the future and take out massive multi-trillion dollar loans in his grandchildrens' names (or actually the names of other people's grandchildren).

He's already fighting a war he shouldn't have started and can't finish. Why not one more?

Watch out for this one. We could be getting in deeper and deeper.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.


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