Friday, July 27, 2007

YouTube Debate

It's been widely reported that only John McCain and Ron Paul will appear in the Repub version of the YouTube debate that the Democrats recently held. And there are lots wondering why that is. There are a couple of good theories at TPM (link to the right).

First, Rudy doesn't want the FDNY to get a clear shot at him on national TV. That sounds about right as far as it goes, but Rudy needs to think of some answers to that one - those guys aren't going away, and 9-11 is virtually the only 'issue' in Rudy's arsenal. Sure "stay on offense" but how about helping some of those friendly fire casualties?

That works for Rudy, but what about Mitt and Tancredo and the other brownshirts in the running? Theory number two covers them pretty well.

That is the idea that the Repub issues sound okay when the candidates and talking heads pretty them up, but when the real Repub base gets to talkin' about "immigration reform," it gets pretty ugly pretty quick. "Hey - what're ya gonna do 'bout them Messkins? Theys overrrunnin' our white nation with their ni..." And that's the end of that.

however you slice it, Repubs are about the ugliness in the American soul. They're the party that's willing to spend a billion every couple of days to stay in Iraq, but finds child health care too 'expensive.' Huh?

What are their issues? Fighting and fighting and fighting - that's not quite a winner with the general public. What about Gitmo and torture? What about AG Gonzo? In the hands of less-than-perfect spin, these issues are bound to seem as ugly as they really are.

We can't have too much truth out there. As Steven Colbert said, "reality has a well-known liberal bias."

I don't think that entirely hold up because I don't think that Rudy and Mitt realize just how extreme their positions really are. They don't see that the country has taken more steps toward fascism in the last six years than any time since Georgie's granddaddy plotted a coup against Roosavelt in the 1930's.

They don't see that 'immigration reform' in the minds of their voters means 'keeping Black people out.' They don't see the hate toward gays and Muslims that's been fuelled by years of Karl Rove's "Southern Strategy."

What they do see is that they will be chosen by the "elite." The big-money donors that supply wingnut welfare to bloggers and think tanks and candidates will be the people who make or break them. YouTubers are just so common, candidates can't be seen to stoop to the level of actual voters.

In the age of the Imperial Presidency, rightist candidates must stay above the dirty masses that the Filthy Hippies seem to love. The primaries will be decided by the blood-and-guts social conservatives, war conservatives, and authority loving conservatives. Repub voters looking for their next Glorious Leader don't want to see him addressing commoners on YouTube. They want him at a podium threatening those barbaric Muslims and telling us how much more we should torture people.

Once the red meat primaries are over and the next king is chosen, the smear and fear can begin. Once again, the candidate will strike a heroic pose and stay above it while their proxies go out and spend the corporate cash to Swift Boat the hippy leader.

That's the only plan that makes sense for them.

Once again, the key to becoming the next Imperial President is looking likethe Imperial president. Remember - Georgie only appears in front of hand-picked crowds (supporters or military bases). He doesn't answer people's questions, he only answers supporters questions.

It's about image. And YouTube is the wrong look for our next sovereign.


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