Wednesday, August 01, 2007


You don't have to know a lot about Iraq to know how badly it's going over there. Conversely, you can be sure it's not going well when our reptilian Vice President goes on TV and says it is. The malevolent Cheney went on Larry King and informed the viewing public that it's all marching along swimmingly.

Which means it's probably worse than ever - Cheney's pronouncements are invariably 180 degrees off the heading of the truth. The guy is simply incapable of acting as a democratically elected representative of the American people - that sounds like a joke when I type it. No, honest: he really is supposed to be the democratically elected representative of the American people. We can't help it that he's the representative of fascist corporatist authoritarianism. That's just how it is.

Anyhoo, as Dick says: "don't take my word for it." Sure Dick, like we were going to. For all the bluster of the 'surge' and the gold-standard Gen. Petraeus, we seem to be losing faster than we were in the past.

As everyone (both demented war mongers and Americans) admits, the resolution of the conflict must be a political settlement. The purely military approach does not work (and never did anywhere and never would, as people have said for years). The 'surge' itself was intended purely to provide security to allow the political process to happen. So what's happened?

Well, the Sunnis have walked out of the government. 70 people died in a car bombing today, too.

Okay, but is it good or bad that the Sunnis walked out? Are we fighting them or not? Well, apparently it's the Shiite militias that are the biggest problem. But isn't the Iraqi government run by a Shiite majority? You betcha.

In fact, it's the Sunni-Shiite battles - and increasingly fights between different factions internal to each sect - that are causing all the problems. In this conflict, the US is just another player. Only we don't know whose side to be on.

And this is all supposed to be "winning?" This is utterly hopeless. It's a huge debacle that's being passed on to the next administration.

And that's why it's crucial to make the Junta wear it. If Congress like Georgie run out the clock, it will become their problem entirely. And the traitorous turncoat Repubs will start the "blame game," pointing fingers at Democrats (as they've started to already) for not solving the intractable mess the Repubs got us into in the first place.

It's like the recent budget veto threats. Georgie's trying to buff up an image as a responsible spender, and paint the Democrats with accusations of overspending - after having broken all the budget restraints and creating the biggest deficit in the nation's history.

There will be some sadly gullible voters who go for the lie. Which makes it all the more important to get the truth out - and smack them in the face with it.

Any takers? Reid? Pelosi?


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