Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saints-Bears, First Half

I’ve never tried this before, so I thought I’d put down a few comments during the Saints-Bears game, just to see how it comes out.

It’s into the second quarter now, and the Bears are up 6-0. There have been two plays of not, one game-changing and one just a little odd.

The big play so fare was the Saints fumbled kickoff return that the Bears turned into a possibly decisive 3 points. That’s actually the second time that the Saints defense has kept the Bears to 3 when they were very much threatening to get 6. Thing is, it wasn’t a fumble.

Clearly, obviously, painfully not a fumble. It was a terrible stupid call that any human with working visual senses could see. So why wasn’t it challenged? It was.

And when Sean Peyton threw his red flag, I thought “it’s really bad that they forced him to waste a challenge on this because it’s such an obvious call that they should have gotten it right in the first place.”

But guess what? They upheld it.

Now, I’ve muted the game because Joe Buck is so annoying I want to track down his parents and throw them into Gitmo where they can be waterboarded and otherwise not tortured for having failed to stop him from growing up. So I don’t know what was said. I’m assuming that the ref said there wasn’t clear video evidence or something, but that’s a crock. It was a rotten turn for New Orleans.

The Bears hit a long pass (I think it was Mohammed) but the Saints stopped them again – 9-0 Chicago. That defense is showing up big time, and Rex Grossman stinks. But the Saints offense needs tri move it. They O-Line is lousy. The Bears DE’s are killing both tackles, but the Saints are getting them help and throwing shorter to protect Brees.

The odd thing that happened earlier was that there was a running play, and afterward the ref shoved a Bears guy to get to the ball, but the Bear didn’t see who shoved him in the back so he turned around and started shoving a Saint, but the same ref broke them up. You wonder if the ref owned up to it: “hey - I shoved you Dude, not him.”

Anyway, Saints punt again at 5:51 of the second. They got one first down, but the Bears are pressuring Brees and tackling well.

The Saints D is looking tired. They’re getting pushed off the ball along the whole line. Thomas Jones hit for 15, and now for about 30. Now for 8. You’d think they’d stack against the run – and they are, but it’s not helping, and they don’t want Mohammed to go for 50 on them. Jones for 8, down to the 2, two minute warning.

Touchdown Bears. 16-0. This is just where they wanted to be, sitting on a two or three score lead that will let their pass defense to its magic. Of course, the Saints are the #1 passing team in the NFL – be careful what you wish for. Henderson & Colston just caught a 20 and a 15 with 1:06 left in the half. Good blitz pick-up by Reggie Bush. Saints down to the Bears 20. Brees firing out of shotgun. Maybe that’s what they’ve needed – just set up and fire.

3rd and 10 at the 25 (after a motion penalty). First down at the 7 with :51 on the clock. Bears blitz up the middle gets picked up – TD Colston.

That was huge. There’s a few miles of psychological distance between 16-0 and 16-7.

That was a real Madden video game drive – just chucking out of shotgun formation.

Let’s see what the Bears do with the :40 on the clock.

Grossman just chucked it to the ballboy 15 yards out of bounds, and then took a knee – halftime.

The other thing pf not in the first half was when the Bears had it third and goal at the 3. They set up to play and the Saints took a time out – a basketball TO. You almost never see that in football where the clock is key and timeouts are few. In basketball, the clock is not normally a big factor, and they get like 7 TO’s a half. The Saints called the TO after the Bears offense set up, just to see what personnel and formation they’d gone with.

Anyway, that’s the first half. More later…


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