Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New War?

While preparing to receive whatever lies the Junta Leader will pour forth this evening in order to justify getting more Americans killed for nothing, do not miss the start of the next Republican Junta war, coming to a country nowhere near you.

New war? Well, what do you call it when we attack armed (and unarmed) people who are in, you know, another country? Help me out here - that's war, right?

Right - nothing new. We've been at it in Iraq and Afghanistan for a number of years. So we shoot some people on the other side of the world. Presumably, they had it coming. Though, outside of the Taliban, al Qaeda, and Saddam's trigger-men I'm not sure if anybody we're killing right now "had it coming."

But wait - there's more. We just killed a bunch of people in Somalia. Yes we did. And one of them may have been an al Qaeda leader, so that's good. We used a modern version of "Puff the Magic Dragon," a converted cargo plane featuring a gatling gun (think of a machinegun times 1,000) and a 105mm howitzer.

Which is great for shooting up impoverished Somali villages where we think there may be a guy we hate. So is this a new war in Somalia? Not yet? But wait - there's still more.

What if we put boots on the ground? What if actual American forces (what's left of them) arrived to fight in Somalia?

According to this story, they're expecting a little help in their anti-Islamist action.

Also Wednesday, Somalia's deputy prime minister said American troops were needed on the ground to root extremists from his troubled country, and he expected the troops soon. It was the first indication that the U.S. military may expand its campaign.

Look: Iraq is a colossal debacle. We all know that. It's the millstone that will drown all the Republicans. The only reason that the Democtrats have a slim majority in the Senate is that Senators are on 6-year terms, and don't all come up for election at once. If they had, it would have been a wipe-out. They can expect to lose a lot more in 2008.

Instead of a perpetual Republican majority, Karl Rove may have destroyed that party forever.

Afghanistan - the only war we should have fought - is also in the crapper because we didn't rebuild it. The neocons believe in destruction, not reconstruction. When they fight, they fight; they don't rebuild. So when you are following neocons into battle, you're going to be there a long long time.

Actually, nobody "follows" neocons into battle. They are the uber-chickenhawks. They sends others to die for their crazy ideas.

Anyway, Afghanistan is another of their great failures. But their regime is predicated on being glorious warriors (with other people's blood). Without war and fear, they got nothing.

So what do they do? How about a new war? The Solali's and Ethopians have pretty much won this one, so the Junta can just go in and mop up a bit. Great photo-op. And since we didn't start this war (for once) we won't be expected to rebuild the place, so we won't get the blame when it's perpetually downtrodden and war-torn.

For Georgie, it's win-win.

So look for our brand new war, coming soon to a continent conveniently close to the one we're already fighting in.


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