Thursday, January 11, 2007

Always Wrong

The thing about always being completely turned around dead wrong about absolutely everything is that it can't be an accident. A stopped clock is right twice a day. If it's just random blundering, there will be kernels of success. But the Bush Junta has managed - for six years now - to avoid being right on every question. No topic, from the domestic to the scientific to the moral to the international, has been spared their toxic wrongness.

That's no accident.

I like to blame the parents of these "leaders" for the wrongness, because much of it stems from their upbringing. Just as Rightists like to blame poor parents for their children's behavior, rich parents must stand up to what they've done.

And it's this: they raised a generation in a complete moral vacuum. And it's not the kids of the liberals who show no public or private morality - it's overwhelmingly the conservatives. They were obviously raised to be utterly self-involved and narcissistic. They covet their privilege while happily denying comfort to others. If the butler is hungry he can take from the pantry - but not too much.

They demand moral behavior while refusing to behave themselves. Their movement propagandist, Rush Limbaugh, is a serial divorcee and womanizer (obviously a guy who looks like that has to be rich to become a 'womanizer') and a drug addict. But he's happy to sit in judgement of the "San Francisco values" of Nancy Pelosi - a grandmother married 30+ years.

These are simply bad people. They are people who must conceal their real thought and intentions because they are so repugnant to civilization. We see their intents when they have the power to enact them. Bush is a third-world style tin pot dictator. And every opportunity he gets, he proves it.

Like last night. He's sending more American troops to fight in Iraq. Why? For him, and nobody else. The military didn't want it - so he's changing generals. The troops don't want it, the public doesn't want it, and the congress doesn't want it.

But who else exists for Georgie but Georgie?

He is, by nature, wrong. A 'right' leader serves the public first - himself second. Georgie is the opposite.

Where a real leader only makes policy decisions based ion their concept of the public good, Bush and his Junta make all decisions based on their political fortunes. A leader of courage and character does things that he thinks are right, despite a political cost. Georgie does what's best for Georgie, despite what's best for everyone else.

But by acting that way, failure is inevitable.

Iraq, if it was to be fought at all (which it was not), was a political challenge. They fought it as a purely military challenge - and did it wrong at that. Trying to kill insurgents without stopping the underlying political causes of the insurgency is sheer stupidity. It's like fighting the ocean with a bucket.

Meanwhile, decisions that should have been made on a purely military basis are made on an entirely political basis. They thought the American people wouldn't support a force of 300,000 to 500,000 - which the military wanted - so they went with the political 130,000 figure.

Every decision about the war has been wrong. Why? Because the leaders - Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rove - are amoral cowardly lizard-creatures who are not capable of making human decisions.


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