Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Oh, Come on!

Oh, for crying out loud. It just gets worse and worse. Now Prince Georgie has decided not to re-authorize the "Terrorist Surveillance Program." So his illegal wiretapping program is finished. Right.

First of all, they've never said that this is the only illegal surveillance program that's watching you. AG Gonzo has been specifically vague about that. So by shutting this down, presumably nothing else will be exposed and we can all just stop looking and be on our merry way.

And they didn't even give a reason. Not that they had to. Everything the Junta does is political.

Which brings me back to a saw that I will keep sawing: I never want to hear from any Repub or media pundit that a Democrat has done something for "purely political reasons." They've made every life-and-death war-and-peace global warming economic who will starve Armageddon decision with nothing but their political gain in mind.

Why stop illegal wiretapping? Because it will get them in more political trouble. If there really is a rationale for doing it for national security, then there is no rationale to stop it. If it's politics - stop now.

Because by stopping now, they can hope to avoid congressional oversight. By stopping now, they can preserve their claims to omnipotence. See, the congress didn't have the power to stop them, it was their own choice to stop.

This Junta believes it is empowered to do anything it wants, and it wants to do some very nightmarish things. It wants to eavesdrop. It wants to torture. It wants to make war, and it wants to give all the nation's money to the rich and cut off the poor and strangle the middle class.

The do-nothing 109th congress was happy to let them do it. The (hopefully) fighting 110th will not.

What's the statute of limitations on shredding the constitution? Certainly more than two years - which means that there will be investigations.


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