Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It won't help. All the obfuscation about a "middle ground" and subject-changing won't help the Bush-Rove Junta. Their problem is - as it always has been - reality. Reality is what they thought they could adjust to suit themselves from day one. Reality is what arrived early for them on September 11, when their neglect of counter-terrorism resulted in exactly the sort of attack that Clinton had repeatedly prevented. Reality is this: all their policies are wildly unpopular. Period.

So how have they been able to do so much damage in only five years? Lies. As long as you don't know what they're doing and what they want to do in the future, they can tell you what they want you to hear. No sense listing all the failures vs. claims - the list is long and very well known. And that's exactly why nobody likes them.

Americans don't want huge budget deficits, but the Junta's been spending borrowed money as fast as they can get their hands on it. Americans don't want the crust taken from the tables of poor families to go directly into the bank accounts of the rich, but that's exactly what we've got. Failure, lies, incompetence, torture, lawlessness. We, as a nation, don't want any of it.

And they'll still tell you it's not what they're doing, but after five years of the most disastrous governing in the nations history, the lies don't cut it anymore. We know what they want to do, and it's not what we want.
Their greatest enemy is simple truth.

When they can lie and hide, they win. When they're exposed, they lose.
What would have happened in November of 2004 if we'd known about the NSA illegal wiretapping and call logging? "President Kerry."

What else are they doing in our name (to our name) that we don't know about yet? Their "New American Century" is our worst nightmare. They want to build a fascistic American Empire based on fear, run by a dictatorial one-party state. Writing that sentence a few years ago would have felt like lunacy, like a sci-fi novel.

Not any more.

We know too much now. We know that they are all liars. There is no policy or issue that will give them a clean slate. The more they do, the more they show their hand. And it's a hand that Americans reject.

Shortly after 9-11, it was common to debate torture: "what if there was a ticking bomb and you had a guy and he wouldn't talk - do you torture him?" Now the question is: "why are we torturing all these prisoners and why have more than 100 prisoners died in our custody?" That's a very long leap, and even in the days following 9-11 you couldn't get Americans to sign off on it.

But they didn't need permission as long as they had ignorance. It was only after the inadvertent release of the Abu Ghraib pictures that we started to know what was being done.

And as time goes on, we'll know more. When Americans take back the Congress this fall - if the Diebold machines and Old Jim Crow let them - the investigations should be quite revealing.

And that will lead to what Canada saw in the 1980's - a national "leader" with single-digit approval ratings.

But at least Brian Mulroney didn't torture anybody - that we know of.


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