Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Here's a new word: resign. The only proper thing left to do for the Junta is to resign, en masse. Resign, because everything they've touched has gone wrong. Resign, because their belief in radical rightist ideology has brought ruin to a one-great once-proud nation. Resign, because your self-image as white-hat cowboys has been turned on its head by your own weakness and incompetence. You've become the black-hats, and should do the only 'manly' thing left to you: resign.

Oh, I know. Power is the only thing that matters to them, and they still have it. They lied, cheated, and stolen to get it, so why lay it aside now? But what if there was a shred of intellectual honesty in the Junta? What if it were possible to get Elvis Cosello's "Deep Dark Truthful Mirror" on loan and have them look into it?

Josh Marshall has suggested that in the near future we will need some sort of 'truth and reconciliation commission' to sort out the lies and crimes of this Junta, and I think he's right. It did wonders for post-Apartheid South Africa.

But let's start now.

Is there a man or woman among the Junta who is honourable enough to face their ignominy? That would be a start.

Unfortunately, disgraceful failure is an in-bred part of their ideology. If they'd had a shred of human decency, they never would have gotten into the torture business to begin with. They'd have never cut food aid to mothers and young children in order to give ten times more money to wealthy individuals and corporations.

The list goes on and on. Including yesterday, when they passed another $70 billion in gifts to the gifted. That's $70 billion more that your kids and grandkids owe to people like the Chinese government. It's a 'gift' in the sense that it does nothing - it helps nobody ($20 each for middle-class families) but the people who require no help - the millionaires who will get $42,000 each.

Economic stimulus? Please. The economy was much healthier and fairer under Bubba's progressive tax rates. Economic recovery has been shallower than historic standards and working people have received no economic benefit as the rich have been permitted to take and keep all the gains.

And the Republican approval ratings just keep getting lower. The only people supporting them are the crazies who will always support them. The rest of the country, which new mouthpiece Tony Snow says 'want to like Georgie,' can find no reason to. Record deficits. Iraq. Katrina. Gasoline. Every aspect of life and policy touched by their ideology has been devastated.

It's time now for any Republican with a single functioning brain cell and even a microscopic shred of dignity to resign.

Anyone? No?


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