Friday, May 12, 2006


29% Approval. According to the most recent Harris Interactive/WSJ poll, the current occupant of the White House has the approval of 29% of the citizens of the country he's entrusted to lead. Is this, as they say, an "outlier," or is it a deepening trend? Mark me down for 'trend,' because I don't think it's seen the bottom yet.

By digging into the rich, untilled soil deep below 40% and actually mining under 30%, indications are that Americans are starting to 'get it.' Presumably, there is a bedrock of support down there somewhere that represents the Special Ed class of voters who will never disapprove of what their buffoon hero does. But for the rest, the lessons of unchecked NeoCon control are really starting to hit home.

And the hits just keep on coming. Now, it's been revealed by USA Today (since when do they do investigative journalism?) that the NSA has been collecting your phone logs and keeping them - with no cause or warrant. Junta leaders in Congress are typically playing the South Park version of Saddam: "what? Hey, don't worry, guy! Look over there!" And they think they won't pay for that at the polls.

But none of that really matters, because Georgie never had a legitimate claim on the power he abuses, and never wanted one. In 2000 he stole the election outright. In 2004, he stole it through the politics of lies and by suppressing the votes of minorities and likely opponents.

And even if you're holing on to the illusion that he actually won in 2004 (I don't think anyone still believes he won in 2000), nothing he's done in his governance has been for any public good. You would think that he'd have done something positive, even accidentally. But his warped ideology has steered him clear of any positive results.

I'm curious to see if any of the public's growing awareness will stick to the media. I wonder if the backlash will include the question: "why didn't you tell us?" Because the Steven Colbert dictum of "we decide, we announce, you [in the media] type" has been all too true.

But aside from any much-deserved bashing of the press, Georgie has taken to running his own quasi-fascist dictatorship. He doesn't need the public. He doesn't need Congress -they can run against him all they want in the mid-terms. He signs all their silly legislation, and then writes "signing statements" that make it clear that he will ignore all their rules, or, as others call them, "laws."

The only difference between Nixon and Georgie is that there were Americans in Congress who held Nixon accountable. No such problems for Georgie. Congress is compliant and acquiescent, handing over their powers in vast chunks and rubber-stamping any excess… Well, you know.

But 29%? That's new.


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