Thursday, May 04, 2006


You got one there, now we have one here. The government of business and power interests first, last, and always. The NeoCons. Poor and working class people are inferior. Religious extremism is a guidepost. Wealthy individuals and corporations and the only constituents. The interests of power and wealth are more important than the interests of individuals.

Under the new Conservative government, we in Canada have our first "Neo-conservative budget."

How NeoCon is it? They raise income taxes on the poor. How NeoCon is that?
Sure, they tout their $20 billion in tax cuts - but who have they cut? And what will it do to our long national budget surplus?

Canadians are used to Clinton-like growth and prosperity, which the Liberal Party has given us in their 12 years of government. Now, because radical-left Bozo Jack Layton saw a chance for a couple more seats for the NDP and forced a badly-timed election, we have the Moron Party back in government.

That may seem harsh, and then again it may not. But there is this huge experiment in the practical results of NeoCon policies directly south of our border. A border which I'm hoping will one day soon be heavily guarded - on the Canadian side. Because NeoCon policies are nothing less than catastrophically evil and unworkable. It would be one thing if they were simply malevolent; that their diabolical promise of great wealth for all based on eviscerating giveaways to the wealthy did anything but weaken the weak and destroy the middle class.

Nothing they do or think works to any extent. It's the weak-minded result of results-first research. There are two types of NeoCons, and both are deadly to democracy.

The first is the true believer. This type might be a social or economic NeoCon. Both have fanatical devotion to ideas that are in no way based on any measurable fact. Social NeoCons tend to believe that the Bible is literally true and that their interpretation of it is the only valid interpretation. Anything less than full devotion to their megachurch doctrines is a straight ticket to Aych-Eee-Double-Hockey-Sticks.

Economic True Believer NeoCons think that tax cuts actually increase government revenues, even though they have never done anything but drastically increase government debt. They believe in taking all money from all social programs, because there is a blue-sky belief in the ability of anyone, no matter the disadvantages of their background or status, has a fair opportunity against anyone else. So Georgie got to be a failure fifty times over, but rich people bailed him out because he's a Bush - just like rich people will bail out anyone who has a business failure or an illness in the family that kills their finances.

They believe in "trickle-down," even though the only evidence surrounding the concept talks about him much it doesn't work and how it screws the economy.

The other type of NeoCon is the type in power today: the Greedmongers. Greedmongers just want the power to themselves for their own enrichment and to be in as much control as possible.

They feed social/religious NeoCons to get their votes, but they don't believe in anything. They will talks "trickle-down" with the economic NeoCons, but they know that what they're doing is destructive - they just don't care.

They talk democracy but practice fascism. Wealthy people and corporations help them, and so they are helped in return. Life is a transaction. Life itself has no value beyond what can be given to NeoCons in terms of productivity or wealth. We're all just walking piggy banks for the well-born and the corporate bagmen.

But that's not what it's like in Canada. We don't pine for the good old days of slave labour and owing your should to the company store. We don't look wistfully back at "Upstairs Downstairs" and recall that social and economic mobility were once totally out of the question.

We have a real social safety net. And Universal Health Care.

And now, for the first time since Brian Mulroney, we have added a regressive tax.
Fortunately for us, the Harper Conservative government is in the minority, so they dare not do what they want to do - and what they know Canadians do not want. Already, they've imposed government press silence and controlled messaging.

Hopefully Canadians won't be fooled by any Rovian tricks - if for no other reason than the fact that the Liberal Party won't passively accept it all.

But know this: it's started.


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