Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Do you remember having three wishes? Do you remember wishing you had three wishes? It's a kid's thing, right?

But for progressives, can you wish you had three branches of government? Would that fulfill your wishes? Not three Joe Lieberman branches who would say they were with you but vote for the other side, but three really and for true branches of government that would vote your way every time and you could PUNISH if they didn't?

Well, progressive liberals, forget it. But you backward-ass barely literate don't believe in book-learning neocons - you had six years. How was it?

You had six years of the most crazy-ass tax cutting invade-anybody policies anybody could ever hope for. You had a blank cheque with the full faith and credit of the United States of America behind you. You could do ANYTHING YOU WANTED!

Liberals had that shot once. We solved the Great Depression and won the greatest war in world history. As an after thought, we preserved freedom in South Korea and demarked the borders that the Soviet Union could not cross, laying the groundwork for the American victory in the Cold War.

Plus, we added Social Security and the concept that Americans would not sit idly by and allow our brothers and sisters to starve because of macroeconomic forces beyond their control.

Okay, Georgie and the Junta. Your ups. You've had six years - what have you accomplished? You've pushed the tax burden solidly regressive - so much so that we don't even talk about it anymore. The poor and middle class are getting less than ever from their government while paying more than ever. The affluent and corporations are paying less. Good?

What has been done to help the nation in any way - even your precious wealthy constituents? They'll pay more for disastrous wars than anyone - when the economy tanks it will tank worse for them. You've been treasonously short-sighted. The policies that have been okay because they've only killed the paycheque-to-paycheque crowd will one day kill those who make their fortunes from the paycheque-to-paycheque crowd.

Because the elitist 'trickle-down' garbage that your smart party guys know is pure lies is worse than just a lie - it's an opposite.

The opposite is that it's not by paying huge undeserved dollars to the rich that we all benefit, but rather by paying the bottom up that we prosper. When the poor get their boat floated first we all benefit. But all of us benefiting is not in the neocon playbook. Better that the rich befit less but early than anyone else get ahead.

How else will we get to the slave state that the neocons covet? Too much? Well - what else is at the end of the neocon starve-the-poor plan if not slavery and indentured servitude?

It's certainly not your vote their after - if they want they, they'll just vote for you.


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