Friday, May 05, 2006


You know what's a bad idea right now? Pissing off Russia. Of sure, Vlad Putin has been acting like Vlad the Impaler for a few years now, but why notice it today? And why use Dick Cheney, the Dark Prince of capitalism's worst excesses, to deliver the message? Dr. Strangelove was busy?

Like other problems that the Junta faces, our Russia issues are largely self-made. We've made no efforts to curb Putin's anti-democratic program. His aims aren't so different from those of the Rove Junta - buy the press to stifle dissent, let the big money buy into power, and thwart any legitimate democracy in the nation. Rove's more religious about it, but that's just tactics.

So when Putin was amassing his power and Georgie was looking into his soul - it must have been like a mirror - it was all okay. Now, when US international standing is lower than after the War of 1812, we pick on him? After our secret detention facilities and botched 'war on terror' have us looking like the Keystone Kops (with nukes) we're going to send our foul avatar or corruption to call him out?

Really, it's as much as admitting that there's nothing our NeoCon-weakened state can do about Iran. The idea of attacking them has been so profoundly discredited - Georgie's out of moves.

Blow them up? NO! Well, that's it, then.

We certainly can't go through the UN. By sending the bilious John Bolton as the non-confirmed Spanner in the Works, the UN is closed indefinitely. We can't even get China to agree with us - we owe them too much money.

So we send Dick Cheney to start a row with the Russians ahead of the 2006 mid-terms (remember - all actions are for domestic politics). That way, the Junta can get back to the only policy it ever even partial understood: the Cold War. Russia bad! Russia strong!

"For the vice president to say Russia can be a strategic partner is already to imply that it isn't."
And how about the fact that he said that "Russia was not "fated to be an enemy"? Doesn't that imply that it is?

Now, if we could only get them to invade Afghanistan again before November.


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