Monday, May 15, 2006


Don't miss Georgie on TV tonight! He's going to give an address on Immigration. Georgie has a problem on immigration, see, because it's a splinter issue for conservatives. Poor Georgie.

See, some conservatives are raving hate-filled yokels. These voters want those darned Mexicans out of America - now! For them, illegal Mexicans are unsightly. They are just bad apples who didn't play by the rules to get into this great country, and therefore are felons who should be arrested and - I guess we'd have to pay to keep them then. Or else send them back to Messko - but they'd just run back here. Policy is hard!

So, while Cletis works on that a spell, we'll look at the other group of conservatives: the money-baggers. Money says: "are you nuts? These illegals will pick your grapes for like a dime an hour!" There is a vast array of cheap and exploitative US industries that depend on paying below-minimum-wage to desperate immigrants - they do not want to see that border closed.
So what's Georgie to do? The answer is for him to play to his own strength: say one thing and do another.

Nevermind that the real objective of policy is to do the right thing for the country. The objective of the Junta is to do what will keep them in power, and that means play to the 2006 Congressional voters. Georgie and Master Rove think those voters want to close the border - so we'll (say we're going to) close it!

To do that, we'll stretch the amazingly over-stretched National Guard a few miles longer and put a bunch of them on the border. Don't worry that you're militarizing a peaceful border - this is politics! It's much more important than relations with Mexico or Latin/South America who will take offense. Politics over all!

So Georgie talks to Mexico's Fox and tells him it's just a temporary deployment. Which means one of two things: either Georgie is lying to Fox - which is not good foreign policy again - or he's lying to Americans, which is really just par for the course.

Honest immigration policy would allow workers to earn their citizenship over time, and try to bring up the wages in both countries to eliminate the sweat shops on both sides of the border. The worst possible policy is the one that Georgie's hanging his hat on (naturally) which is a 'guest worker program.' Guest workers would be in every way second class and would be a servant class to our wealthy and industry.

We don't stand for that. We stand for "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." The nation was build on giving immigrants a fair shot at success. Like the very concept of freedom, it's something that Georgie would just as soon do without.


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