Thursday, April 27, 2006


This is a good one: let's dismantle FEMA. Not that it's a particularly bad idea. The Senate panel, led by Maine's "moderate" Susan Collins, produced an 800-page report that shows that, shockingly, the Katrina response was one huge blunder. You have to marvel at what passes as dissent in Congress these days - a 'moderate' Republican and a Democrat (Joe Lieberman) who acts like one.

Of course, there is no such thing as a moderate Republican. They all drank the Kool Aid. They passed the treasonous tax cuts. They've hidden the Iraq War lies for years now. They approved of Roberts and ScAlito for the Supreme Court. No matter what they may think they stand for, they've proven that they stand for the Junta.

But back to FEMA. What's sadly funny about that is that under Bubba, FEMA was a lean mean machine that took on all comers. James Lee Witt - a real life disaster management guru - was put in charge and was widely praised for making FEMA into a model of preparedness and efficiency.

So what's happened since the "government of experts" took over? FEMA is now in such complete shambles that "flaws in the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security that are "too substantial to mend," and FEMA should be dismantled and rebuilt inside the troubled department."

Political hacks like Heckuvajob Brownie have burrowed in like termites. DHS Scarecrow Chertoff has marginalized and further dismantled and demoralized the organization. They can't even staff it up at this point, because no serious disaster planner wants FEMA on their resume.

Put another checkmark under 'incompetence.' It's one thing to be stupid and reckless about the stuff you're not supposed to know about. I don't think anyone wants to put a Republican in charge of Day Care or Health Care. But weren't they supposed to know about managing stuff? Weren't they supposed to have some savvy about running large organizations?

Are there any strengths left for them to run on in 2006 and 2008?

Well, they have Fox's and Reverend Moon's Tony Snow aboard now. On the job as Press Secretary, Snow will turn everything around. Sure.

Perhaps he'll travel to New Orleans and Iraq. He could dig up a few thousand bodies and tell the dead what a great job Georgie's doing.


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