Monday, April 24, 2006


Are all leaks the same? What about secrets - is it ever okay to leak secrets to the media? CIA Director Porter "The Jobber" Goss is in the process of dropping the official hammer on leaks from that agency.

Already, staff have been subjected to polygraph exams and one senior staffer has been fired for leaking.But according to Georgie, Chicanery, and the WaPo editorial staff, there is such a thing as a "Good Leak." Georgie claims, after being outed, that he permitted the Plame leak to 'set the record straight' and prove to citizens that he was telling the truth about the Niger uranium claims.

Trouble is, he was lying then (about the uranium) and he's lying now (about not lying then). At the time he authorized the leaks through Chicanery and Scooter Libby, he and the rest of the Junta knew that the story was false.

So by brutally attacking Joe Wilson for being a truth-teller, Georgie was using inside lies to punish a political critic.Grotesque.But what did purported CIA leakier Mary McCarty leak to get herself fired? The truth.

She allegedly leaked info about the CIA's secret detention system which has held prisoners indefinitely with no recourse to any legal system - and tortured them. What real American - inside or outside the CIA - would condone that? What real American would keep that hideous secret?

As it turns out, lots of them. And now there will be lots more, as The Jobber's hit squads go after intel staff who may be inclined to let Americans know what's being done in their name.

There is a real, definable difference between Georgie's leaks and Mary's. It's called morality. He-said-she-said journalism creates a false equality between Truth and Lies, and most reporting on Israel equates Palestinian Terrorists with Israeli Peace Keepers. There is a fundamental moral difference between firemen and arsonists, between cops and criminals.

And so there's a difference between the suppression of important truth and the dissemination of ugly lies.Perhaps it's just as well that Mary was fired. When you make an ethical stand for freedom, there is often a personal cost. That does nothing to diminish the patriotism of her actions.

Georgie's leak, on the other hand, is pure cowardice with criminal intent. As president, if he had a case to make he has the forum to make it. He tried that, but nobody believes anything he says.

So instead, he pushed his lies through gullible reporters using back channels, so that the disinformation would look like an insider scoop.Just add that pathetic assault on freedom to the rest of the High Crimes and Misdemeanours he's committed.

And raise a toast to the only patriot in this whole mess - Mary McCarthy.

N.B. I'm having trouble publishing the link to the article - check out any mainstream news outlet for details.


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