Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Gas

Georgie stopped the purchase of fuel for the strategic reserve. He did that so there'd be more supplies to sell to consumers, and the price of gas will go down. All those years in the Oil Bidness, and he still thinks supply and demand matter to oil companies?

But the gas prices are way up and conservative voters love their SUV's. They are either economic conservatives who are making tons on money by blighting the earth, or they are social/religious conservatives who believe that the earth is here to be blighted by them - it's their right as (slightly) high beings to ruin the environment.

Both groups - and the rest of us - are suffering at the pumps. If only we had somebody in government who understands this stuff.

I know I've been over this before, and not too long ago, but bear with me on this. The most intractable part of the problem is that it takes (according to an expert quoted in the WaPo) more than five years for an energy policy to have any effect on prices - and more likely more than ten years.

Which the Junta takes to mean "it's not Georgie's fault - he can't do anything over night (or before the Mid-Terms) so why are you all Blamegaming him?"

Here's the thing for adults to understand: Georgie's been sweeping in his executive power for over five years now. Energy policy was the first thing he and Chicanery did. Remember the Oil Bidness suits who came to the White House to tell Oily Dick and Georgie how to write law and maximize their profits? The same group who Dick went to the Supreme Court to get his buddies to protect?

It's not your right to know who wrote the energy policy. It's just your duty to suffer from it.

Where is that policy now? If, five years ago, they made anything like a real energy policy that was intended to help Americans in any way, where are the results? Right.

And once again, where's Congress to ask them about it? The government and media are acting like they woke up this morning and - oops! High gas prices. Waddayagonnado?

The reality is that Georgie and his neocon masters messed up the Middle East, and they continue to glare menacingly at Iran. That raises prices. By allowing the Gulf Coast to get destroyed, they not only killed a lot of poor black people (not a big deal to them), they also allowed the energy infrastructure to be destroyed (which they do care about).

They've scorched the earth allowing companies to drill - to no effect on prices. And Dick the Dark Petro Prince himself said that energy conservation is no more than a question of "personal virtue."

If that virtue had been embraced in a real life energy policy five years ago, Georgie would be l;laughing all the way to a renewed Republican majority in 2006. Okay, no way, but still he wouldn't have these angry gas voters to contend with.

As always, ignorance is its own reward.


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