Thursday, April 20, 2006


"Survival Mode." That's what they're calling it - putting a fresh coat of paint on the old barge and hoping to fool enough people into voting for their incumbent in the November mid-terms. To avoid what? "Lame duck status." But it's more than that.

The only reason any of this garbage has worked for five years is that it's been kept secret. And the only time it's failed from start to finish has been in the case of Katrina, where the deadly failures have been plain for all to see. The rest of it's been clouded in the chummed-up water of 9-11.

But democracy only works when a free press operates on an open transparent government. Our democracy depends on a balance of power between three equal branches of government. None of that has happened since the golden age of Clinton, and the results have been catastrophic. The press has been a propaganda arm of the government. The Congress might as well have been wearing Junta uniforms with twenty pounds of medals. It's all gone horribly wrong, as even the most cement-headed rightists now see what their votes have brought.

Keeping the opposition out of Congress is more than avoiding lame duck status for this bunch. It's avoiding jail. The worst and ugliest parts of American greed and selfishness have run unfettered, and there will be a price to pay if someone with subpoena power and a spine starts asking inconvenient questions.

The Iraq war has enough lies and no-bid contracts to put a lot of people away for a long time. It's damaging enough to make rightists wonder if advocating the death penalty has been such a smart idea. What about Katrina? We have tape of the president being told 'the levees are going to collapse' and then saying that 'nobody anticipated the collapse of the levees.' Is that not actionable?

Perhaps not. But there is enough evidence of enough malfeasance to proceed, and I'd love to see what an empowered Nancy Pelosi could do with a majority in Congress.

If the Democrats are able to take a majority back, the next two years could be one long Congressional investigation. I just hope they don't get so bogged down with the high crimes that they let the little stuff slide. The crooks should be brought to justice for everything.

Which is why Karl Rove won't be doing policy anymore. Policy is a tricky thing, and an informed amateur like Rove can’t help but screw it up. In an American administration, that would matter. In this one, being an informed amateur puts him ahead of the other amateurs.

They need Rove on the front lines of lies. They need him to operate the machinery that makes people vote against their interests. And now he's back to doing just that.

This Congressional election is about keeping the traitors off the scaffold and the crooks out of jail. They will stop at nothing - so get ready for smear, fear, and maybe some bombers over Tehran.


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