Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The Southern Poverty Law Center says hate groups are using the immigration debate to further their evil cause. Moreover, these groups have increased in number by 33% since 2000.

Now, lets see: what was it that happened in 2000? Oh yes, Al Gore's presidential victory was stolen from him. Right. And the guys who got away with it are still in charge.

The rightist's use of race-baiting and hate is not a new revaluation, but it's worth mentioning as the immigration debate continues. In many places around the world, like France and Japan, 'opposition to immigration' and 'hatred of foreigners who don't look like us' is the same thing.

America has always been proud to be the destination of the marginalized and hated. That's how we were built. That's how we thrive.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the polls since the Gingrich "Contract on America" in 1994. A major party has chosen to embrace the politics of division and marginalization to make points with the kinds of voters none of us would ever have in our homes.

The point is this: the conservative mobilization of these yokels has consequences. It's okay to be a "Christian Warrior" and hate others because that's now a voting constituency, not just a marginal hate group.

The Junta truly represents the worst impulses of American life - intolerance, stupidity, shortsightedness, the whole ball of wax.


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