Monday, April 17, 2006


Shockingly, the Washington Post seems to have noticed that the current president is not just unpopular, but is actively reviled by half the voting public. Okay, 47% "strongly disapprove" of him, but that's within the margin of error for half.

According to these erstwhile Republican propagandists, "Intense and widespread opposition to President Bush is likely to be a sharp spur driving voters to the polls in this fall's midterm elections."


Could it be that doing a catastrophically bad job and telling massive deadly lies could have consequences with the voting public? Seems rather odd, and certainly not something to bet on for students of current events.

The Rove Junta has proven time and again that they can use the disasters they create to produce the kind of lie-driven fear that pushes them over the top at election time.

They've figured out that they don't have to use overt ballot-box-stuffing and shotgun-powered Jim Crow policies to effect the vote. All they have to do is use their glib and menacing lies to unhinge enough of the gullables to make it close. Once they have a close vote they can move the result 3-5% in their favour.

Back in 2003 I started saying that the Democrat Party can't allow a close vote. They need to nail this sucker by at least 10 points. Anything close can be stolen by a Junta that believes that anything they do is legal. They Gerrymandering and racial profiling and Diebold machines and all the other anti-democratic devices they use are, in their warped view, their right to control the vote.

I don't believe that the Democrats are as weak and messageless as they're made out to be in the rightist press, but they must take their message to the people. Repubs are saying that the national unrest won't necessarily translate into local victories in Congressional elections. But it may be at the local level that the message can get through.

The false symmetry of he-said-she-said journalism where lies and truth are given equal weight (okay - lies get ten times the weight) is a national media phenomenon. If the Democrats can work it right, they can tell the truth at the local level and leverage the voter rage against the worst government in American History.

As always, stay tuned.


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