Thursday, April 13, 2006


So Marine General Peter Pace, current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, says that all the criticism from retired generals is just a bunch of bunk. Rummy didn't interfere with the war planning or overrule the military guys, not one bit.

Now, putting aside for a moment that this is just another bold-faced lie from a guy who should show more guts (Dude - you're a Marine!), if he's right in what he says, what's the military excuse?

After all, the 150,000 troops who invaded were woefully inadequate to defend the country once they predictably beat Saddam's dilapidated forces. I mean, armored divisions who hadn't bought a new tank in a decade were not exactly a huge threat to the world's best trained, best motivated (at the time), and best equipped fighting force.

Not to take anything away from the brave soldiers, sailors, and Marines - they were expected to win easily because of their own merits.

But how could real military people have planned everything so badly? Real military people would have known they needed to secure Saddam's ammunition depots and nuclear facilities - and they didn't. Real military planners would have known they had to secure the peace and prevent looting - and they didn't.

And perhaps most importantly, there are no military planners on the earth - working for any army - who would not have secured the country's borders. While the Insurgency is most certainly a domestic force, they've been supplied with money and arms through Iran and Syria from Day One.

These things are no-brainers. Or, at least, little brainers. But whoever planned post-war Iraq simply failed in every possible way. Is American military leadership that stupid? Okay, don't answer that.

What is clear, though, is that the ideological extremists that the Junta has put in complete charge of our military used their only tool in "planning" the Iraqi debacle - ideology.

Rummy's ideology said "small force." The Great Ideology said: "shock and awe." Ideology declared: "you will be greeted as liberators."

And any thought or preparation that would have, you know, prepared our military for anything but the rosiest scenario was shot down. We don't need Rummy to admit to that - and we don't need Peter Pace to come clean.

Look at what happened: complete disaster. Do you think the American military dug in and refused to plan for different circumstances? No. The Ideology demanded it, and the Ideology gave orders through Rummy and Wolfie.

Pace does a treasonous disservice to the real professional military personnel who would never have let this happen.

If he wants to join the Junta, he should take off his stars first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right...I had not thought of how the military works when they show how to really take care of their mission. It was a 'set-up' from the word go. This country is being set up for a power grab, and they aren't being subtle about. It weighs on many a heart.
So glad I found your new site-- !

7:22 PM  

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