Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Is the US going to war against Iran? Seymour Hersh says the planning is well under way. I'm sure it comes as a surprise to no one. Sure, it's insanely bloodthirsty and after the mess they've made of Iraq there is no sane constituency for it. But since when did the Junta listen to sane people?

As they've proven countless times in their foreign policy, domestic politics trumps all. Whatever makes crazy rightists happy is what the Junta will do. Whatever makes corporations and wealthy individuals richer, that's what gets done, no matter the cost in lives or reputation or government treasure.

And there is a mid-term election coming up this year. If the Junta loses its icy grip on Congress, who knows what sort of investigations will start. The Halliburton investigation alone will make Jack Abramoff look like Patrick Henry.

So, for the mid-terms, we need a threat. After all, it's only the fear created by 9-11 that's kept this crowd in power over the past five years. As people become jaded to the unfathomable jadedness of Georgie & Rove, they lose their grip. The only solution: new crisis.

But the most scary part of all this is what the Junta has always stood for: the power of the powerful aggrandized endlessly. In the polls over the past few months, they've seen the end of their power. They are persistently under 40% approval in even the friendliest polls.

They pulled off massive vote fraud in 2004 to tip a close election their way. But a clear majority against them, as exists today, can't be moved by anything short of complete theft. Not that they're above staling what they need to steal - it's their life's work. But that sort of 'scramble every Diebold machine' stuff couldn't go under the radar in the scale they'd need.

So either the fear will be brought back, or they will lose the mid-terms and the 2008 presidential race. They will be investigated, possibly by actual patriotic Americans who will be sickened by them.

And their experiment in neocon dictatorship will be over. It will be proven a failure for all time. They had every means of government they would ever want, and all they did was loot and pillage, leaving a poorer, meaner, and far less secure country in their wake.

But before they go, they still have the nuclear button. Until January 2009, Little George, the family failure, can launch nukes and send the American Military on more adventures. Does he believe that Iran is a big threat to 'his' Middle East? Sure.

What's his solution? Well - what's his solution ever been? He may become more dangerous as he becomes disattached from the American electorate. When he no longer cares about telling lies and building 'political capital' he may revert to the semi-formed thoughts that have driven his small and mean ambitions to the big stage.

George W. has always been a failure, never more so than as president. He has the nuclear button for only two and a half more years. What is the chance he won't use it?


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