Friday, January 27, 2006


The only surprise I have about Hamas' victory in the Palestinian elections is that there is so much surprise in so many quarters around the world. Of course Palestinians voted for Hamas. Who else truly represents their culture of hatred, violence and murder?

While the late and un-lamented Yasser Arafat was able to hold power as an old-school terror sheik, without his terror cred, Fatah just doesn't have the body count to keep up with Hamas.

It's another chapter in the same old story: the Palestinian Arabs are kept poor and stupid by a leadership who wants them hungry and violent. They are raised on hatred and religion, and promised that some day all the Jews will be slaughtered and the land of Israel stolen for them.

Arafat always made it clear that 'negotiations' with Israel and the US were just another means of getting closer to the blood-bath that they all want so desperately. His political remnants in the Fatah political/terror business just can't keep up the necessary duplicity of appearing moderate to the West (especially anti-Semitic Europe) and still whooping up the base.

The only question about Hamas is whether they would join the political process long enough to win. They are unrepentant baby-killing terrorists and they don't care who knows it. Perfect representatives of their constituency.

The only question remaining is whether holding all this money and power will truly moderate them. They are no longer insane genocidal outsiders; they are an insane genocidal government. Will the responsibility of government put their feet on the ground? From now on, they have to meet payroll and pave the streets and levy taxes and deal with business and economic development. The baby killing may have to fall by the wayside for a while.

For Israel, the only way forward is by more Sharon unilateralism. There truly and clearly is nobody to negotiate with now. That's somewhat a good thing - even Europeans can't pretend that there are two parties to talk peace now. The illusion has been dispelled, not just by Hamas but by the average Palestinian voter: this is what they want. Fine.

Israel should continue building the wall and formalizing their borders. They should decide exactly what their country's borders will be and what a future independent Palestinian country's borders will be.

Then, one day in the far future when someone on the Arab side of the wall wants to talk, they can listen.


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