Friday, January 20, 2006


Does it seem otherworldly that in 2006 we are still - still! - getting threatening messages from Osama bin Laden? The man most responsible for the death and destruction of September 11 is still walking the earth and breathing free air. I want that air back.

It's just one of the deep and unforgivable failures of the "unitary presidency." Under this would-be constitutional dictatorship, bin Laden is still an actor on the world stage for two reasons.

First, because his presence helps the Junta. They thrive on the creation and maintenance of fear. In a sense, they are the master terrorists because they use terror to frighten the electorate into supporting them at the polls. If there was no bin Laden to frighten people with the prospect of attacks, the Junta would have to go and invent another one. Nixon had the NVA and Reagan had the Soviets - Bush needs his al Qaeda.

Of course, Little George helps his Saudi friend, too. Bin Laden himself pointed out that Iraq is a magnet and training ground for his terror cadres. Why break a deal that has allowed the Little Guy to have his neocon occupation of Iraq and fast-tracks his war profiteer buddies accumulation of public wealth? The defense industry, without a Soviet Union, needed bin Laden as much as Little George did.

The other reason is more plain: they just can't get him. The Junta is based on an overwhelming mass of incompetence. You can see it in everything they do domestically and internationally. They are the bungler who always drops things, falls over, drives his car into a crowd of pedestrians, gets bilked for millions, and shouts: I meant to do that!"

As Al Gore pointed out in his memorable speech recently, incompetence and failure is not a side issue to the "unitary executive." The president who works in secret, not bound by law or ethics is bound to fail. But the failure is used as justification for more power grabs. Little George fails to stop the 9-11 attacks, which become a justification for the Patriot Act and various invasions, kidnappings, and torture. Those acts create further failures, which prompt more power grabs, secrecy, and illegal immoral acts.

The Katrina response disaster (which is separate from the Katrina disaster itself) was indicative of the grotesque and deadly incompetence of the administration. And their answer is to give more contracts to Halliburton.

Bin Laden has nothing to fear as long as Little George occupies the White House. He is as important to the Junta as Dick Cheney.

I hope Canadians are watching. Their Little George is poised to become Prime Minister on Monday.


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