Monday, January 23, 2006


Here's the question that Little George and Darth Rove want you to answer: what are you more afraid of? What keeps you up at night - bearded heathen Osama bin Laden, or friendly, bumbling, jocular apocalypse-cowboy Little Georgie Bush?

Because, for the past three election, fear of people other than Junior has pushed his star right to the top. He's been able to sell the case that even though others might say he's the most dangerous incompetent ever to walk the planet, he's your dangerous psycho with a gun shooting almost at random.

But now we have warrantless wiretaps. Spying on Americans without a court order seems scary and creepy. Yosemite Sam might chase that 'varmint' all over creation, but he's not going to read Bugs Bunny's email and listen to his phone calls, right? That would be clearly a sign that Warner Brothers had gone well past their mandate to entertain.

Democrats are running hard with this one. Already, Al Gore and John Kerry have made very strong statements about it, both calling the president a law-breaker (and providing the only funny sketch in an otherwise bland Saturday Night Live last Saturday).

It's going to be Little George and Darth Rove against the world. Junior is not going to up and run from this. He did that once when he was caught eating straight out of the caviar jar by Poppy and got his ears boxed by a particularly menacing servant. No upping and no running.

That leaves 'explaining,' which is really not much of his strong suit either. But 'splaining and scaring' is right up his street. It makes you wonder - in a "they didn't really go the moon" sort of way - whether the Junta has a collection of bin Laden tapes that they splice together every time they need some extra domestic scaring. Like now for example.

I mean, how are you going to impeach Little George for a little harmless fun and email reading when Osama is plotting attacks! Hell, he just said so on al Jazzera!

The really sad part is that this guy is so far into the credibility negatives that I'd have no trouble believing that at all.


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