Thursday, January 12, 2006


One of the hallmarks of our current reign of abysmal governance is the denial of scientific fact in order to further the narrow interests of money. And power. This is no more evident than in the political rejection of the well-established scientific fact of global warming. The planet is warming, and it's warming fast because of human interference in the ecosystem. Fact.

But because the Junta makes loads of cash from polluters, they go to great lengths to find any sort of street-person scientist with a degree from the "University of Under the Bridge by the Bypass (UUBB)" or the "University of Fundamentalists who are Right and Going to Heaven Any Minute Now (UFRGHAMN)" to create a false 'controversy' about it all. Dr. Dingleberry says "Garsh, all these numbers is hard!" So Georgie gets to say: "scientists disagree about global warming." Cute.

But tell that to our croaking croakers. Yes, frogs are dying. Not just frogs - entire species of frogs are disappearing. And that's proven to be a direct result of global warming.

In this case, the frogs are our canaries. Just as miners used to bring the small songbirds with them into the mines - their untimely expiry would indicate a major air issue - frogs are telling us that we're on the clock. We're polluting our world to the extent that the species that are least resilient (partly because we're bulldozing the habitats) are not able to continue.

That's a warning, folks. What more do you need? The Bushes and Cheneys and DeLays have been sopping up the pollution industry money all their lives. They're like a Survivor contestant at an all-you-can-eat biscuits and gravy buffet.

A legacy of greed and waste? Bring it on! Nothing for their grandchildren but debt and scorched earth? Who cares? Live for today!

There is also a religious element. That is, they believe that their deity told them that the earth and all its species are theirs to do with what they will. So if the 'will' to wipe them out - no biggie. They're there to be used.

The other thing their narrow conception of the divine tells them is that the ultimate divine conflagration is coming very soon. The true believers think that they can spend all the money and burn all the trees and kill all the animals because the world will be judged any day now, and the only criteria for passing the pop quiz will be a belief in the properly chosen deity.

Now, the Junta doesn't believe that. If they did, they wouldn't do half the stuff they get away with. They're not religious, they just court religious votes. And when there is a requirement for an explanation for inhuman behaviour, they can call on their "higher father" to excuse the insanity.

So here's to the frogs who can no longer croak our doom. Georgie says you must die that he profits.

Join the club.


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