Tuesday, January 24, 2006


To all the Canadians out there who voted Conservative yesterday and put Steven Harper in the Prime Minister's chair: you are a complete idiot. Your thirst for change after 13 years of prosperity and relative quiet pushed you to believe a group of power-hungry politicos who are bound and guaranteed to sell you down the river the first chance they get.

Canadian Conservative party lunacy tracks American rightist "compassionate conservatism" quite well. Both movements were out to reassure voters that they were mainstream, with only slightly less progressive ideas than the other guy. Both have proven to be absolute psychotic wild-eyed zealots. In Canada, it was the Mike Harris 'Common Sense Revolution.' Sounded good, until people realized that 'common sense' somehow morphed into cuts to schools and health and taxes on the wealthy.

And who ever wants that? Just the wealthy. So conservatives lie about it. And Canadians, who just barely lived through Brian Mulroney's kamikaze conservatism, bought into it. Stupid. You know this will end badly, right? Right?

A chunk of blame has to go to Jack Layton and the NDP. The party of "we're lefter than you" forced the election back in December. But since nobody was in the mood for politics over the Christian holidays, the election happened over three weeks in January - the year's deepest doldrums.

Layton's forced election was the only chance for Harper to gain power. It was a short enough cycle that his recent popularity spike - which was dropping - was enough to give him the win.

And what did old Jack get out of it? A couple more seats. That's it. He'd rather give Conservatives the power to dismantle the Canadian social fabric and have a couple more NDP seats than let the Liberals rule and keep cutting budget deals with them. Pathetic.

For Canada, we can look forward to our budget surplus draining out in tax cuts to the wealthy. Defense spending will increase dramatically, including Canadian dollars burned on Little George's missile defense boondoggle. Say goodbye to quality public health as a two-tier system is imposed.

And watch for a strangling of information. One of the hallmarks of the new conservatism is to hide untidy realities from the world. When a report shows a negative trend, you cut the report. It's like hangman's noose - always tightening, never loosening, until you're dead.

Nice job, Canada. You morons.


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