Monday, January 30, 2006


This is it, Georgie. This is democracy in the Middle East. You wanted it, you got it. Hey, we don't need these countries to develop a non-theocratic educational system. We don't need them to realize that women are actual humans. We don't need them to create an economy outside of the served-up-on-a-platter petro dollars that are hoarded by those who can their filthy hands on them. Nothing like that. It - like all other aspects of the neocon universe - is both simple and simplistic: just give them a ballot and watch them fly!

But do you really want to know what they believe? Do you really want to see 'free' elections? If you let them freely express themselves in most Arab countries, you get what you just got in pseudo-Palestine: an expression of murderous hatred.

Make you feel better, Little George?

Hamas is their choice. Of course it is. To believe anything else is to live under the self-deluded pall of neoconservatism. Look: as long as they weren't actually given a voice in their political process (like under Arafat) you could stick a guy like Abbas in the president's chair and pretend that Palestinians weren't genocidal sociopaths.

Not now. And there's suddenly a great deal of hand-wringing about it. "Oh, should we cut off funding? Their society will collapse!" Of course it will: Palestinians live off the kindness of strangers like nobody else ever has. They eat UN and international support dollars and barf it back up as terror.

Oh, sorry: you can't call it 'terror' when it's aimed at Israeli innocents. If bad Jewish babies are targeted, it's not "terror." Don't take my word for it: read the articles in the American press. Hamas "attacks inside Israel."

So, while nobody wants to deal with the Hamas government, they're still going to give cash to the PA as long as Abass is there. Convenient.

Here's a thought: why don't they make the Palestinians earn a living like everyone else? Maybe if they were out driving a bus all day they'd be less inclined to spend the whole night plotting to blow one up.

The bottom line is this: nothing has changed. This is what Palestinians always wanted. They don't want peace talks and thoughts of a compromise win to a struggle they lost 58 years ago. They want it all, the way they've been promised by their leadership their entire lives.

The solution? Draw unilateral boundaries. Build the wall and defend it. And then if the UN or Europe or whoever wants to maintain some illusion by funding the guys on the other side, let them. But cut out the make-pretend "negotiations." Please.


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