Thursday, December 15, 2005


Can we please start talking about impeaching this Junta? Please? They did, after all , 'recall' Gray Davis to put their muscular conservative in the governor's seat in kully-for-knee-ooo. They gerrymandered Texas against the unanimous advise of Justice Department Staff Lawyers (who will no longer be asked for an opinion in such cases - yes you read that right. It will be a purely political decision).

Since they've made it clear that everything is political - even life and death - why aren't we going for the kill? Are we Democrats truly this soft? After five years, do we really need more?

You need grounds? Why? Ken Starr didn't. Okay, if you insist on grounds before you start the impeachment, how about Bob "Suns Himself on Rocks" Novak's claim - that Georgie knows who told the press about Plame? Sounds pretty impeachable to me. A crime and a cover-up have been committed on his doorstep. Hell, the guy is president of the United States and only talks to about three people - how hard can it be to nail him down?

Then there's the, you know, Iraq thing. Zogby polls show that a majority of Americans favor impeachment if the president lied about the start of the war. I know - "if?" How hard would that be to prove (and can a few more neocons for perjury in the process).

From day one, the Junta has lied because they know their policies are not only unpopular, they're illegal. Approving torture for the military and the CIA? Torture is illegal for any American. This is supposed to be a nation of laws, not men. Georgie must have been stoned the day they taught that in college. The president can't just decide which laws he will follow and which he won't.

And yet they still fight to preserve torture as an American ideal. Oh sure, they say "we don't torture," right between electroshocks and waterboarding. And in the next breath, they fight John McCain to keep torture legal.

But the House still has a few Americans reporting for duty. They voted to retain the McCain anti-torture language as-is. That was 200 American Democrats, 107 American Republicans, and 121 unAmerican neocon traitors for torture. There should be a rule - you can only go on record supporting torture if you've actually been tortured.

King Georgie likes to think that the "preznut" can do what he wants, and a subservient congress has let him. But what will happen when Americans re-take congress and start really investigating?

There is no end to the corruption and illegalities they've indulged in over the last five years. A sleeping congress is no excuse. 'Culture of corruption?' How about: 'culture of felonies?' Of course, Georgie says Tom DeLay is innocent - just as innocent as Georgie himself. That part, at least, is true.

Of course, Georgie stands to pardon anyone who is actually bagged. Scooter Libby knows that and sleeps well at night, indictment be damned.

It will take impeachment to behead the ogre.


Blogger revontule said...

the Dems are scared. no one wants to take on the Bush dynasty and the massive amount of wealth and power they represent.

and when it comes down to it, no Democrat is willing to tell the public that the Bushies did 9/11. Marvin Bush being the "security" contractor for the company Stratesec that set up the demolitions explosives in the twin towers.

1:23 PM  
Blogger fiduciary said...

Sorry I'm just reading your comments - I'm not used to Blogger yet. I'll check for comments daily from now on (I used to get an email notification at LiveJournal).

Thanks for the kind words. I think I can wait a couple more years to get rid of George as long as he agrees to stop doing stuff.

So far so good - he's pretty much in damage control mode these days.


9:22 AM  

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