Monday, December 12, 2005


Most people - of any political affiliation - would agree that medical treatment should be offered to all people, regardless of their ability to pay for it. Sure, they may not agree that facelifts and tummy-tucks should be made universally available at no charge, but basic healthcare (including emergency services) is a human right.

unfortunately, our neocon masters don't see it that way. They believe that access to services to make our physical bodies go is something that should be granted to those blessed by their Official Deity to hold wealth. If you were one of those not deemed fit by the Official deity (perhaps you chose to be born poor or you chose to have a disability), than by accepting government medicine you are a Freeloader and need to be cut from the budget.

And so the Junta Senate and the Junta House are debating which form of Medicare cuts will be enforced. Either way, the program will be gouged by the Junta - no Americans are invited to be part of of their deliberations.

It's not what American want, to be sure. given the choice, Americans would overwhelmingly choose to cover their less fortunate brethren. But Americans were too docile and illiterate to penetrate Junta lies in the last couple of elections, so here we are.

"Here" being the place where the richest nation in the history of the world chooses to cut children and impoverished people off from medicine and food. It's a proud day to be a neocon. The only thing left to do is join our Egyptian friends and order the police to fire on groups opposition voters.

Still, history can't judge us that badly, can they? After all, there's a budget crisis for crying out loud. Okay, the budget was busted by giveaways to the wealthy. And an expensive unjust war. But we were lied to - can we just forget all that debt?

Indeed not.

We owe not ourselves (as the original concept of government debt envisioned), but the Chinese and the Japanese and the Koreans who own the paper on us. And we dare not cross them. If they stopped investing billions of dollars a day into our economy, we would grind to a halt.

No more Bubba-era surpluses for us. The Junta has us deep in debt. Yet they prefer to cut health care and food assistance for the most needy than gifts tied with bows for the least needy. Yes, the wealthy are getting nearly $100 billion in additional tax cuts. That's the money that you and I will have to pony up if we want to preserve services to the poor.

But as much as we want those services, the Junta wants to cut them just as much. And the people for whom the American dream is a daily reality of plenty, the Junta is going to give them trillions more reasons to be grateful.

But the Junta and their wealthy supporters should remember this: if there's any truth at all to their religious beliefs, they will be judged and judged harshly once they arrive at their secrarian and denomenational "Pearly Gates." Because even their narrow spindly anti-knowledge version of the common Christian deity cared about the poor.

So forget about the needless and cruel loss of life in Iraq. Forget about the rape of the environment and the lies (remember that lying itself is a sin - no really Georgie, it is!) and the theft and the greed (also a sin). The question, in their worlview, is inevitable:

"What did you do for the poor?"

And the answer (because you can't lie to St. Peter - or if you did, it would just count more against you) would have to be:

"We stole from them."

See you in Hell.


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