Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It's Pearl harbor Day. That used to mean something. Time was, we could grind our teeth and spit about the cruel and unmanly sneak attack perpetrated on us by the fiendish Empire of Japan.

Now, not so much.

It's not that the Japanese are any better. Goodness knows, they've been getting worse for quite some time. By refusing to accept public and collective responsibility for their misdeeds (like genocide) in WWII, Japan has managed to move forward with a couple of generations who want nothing to do with war guilt. Guilt, that is, of their own and of their parents and grandparents.

Japanese culture and society is once again taking on the special flavor that led, back in the day, to the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" which ended up killing a few dozen million innocents. Since the Cold War, the US has wanted Japan to re-arm as a bulwark against international communism.

Lately, we've been wanting them to bulk up to replace all our Pacific Theater forces (PACCOM) which are tied up elsewhere. Like Iraq.

But it's Iraq that should get Imperial Japan off the hook. Unprovoked attack? Hello? Tortured prisoners? Come to Daddy! We're all Samurai now, Gaijin. The United States tortures. The United States invades others when they decide to, not when they are threatened.

Pearl harbor Day is another holiday to remind us of how much we've surrendered as a people to these raving psychotics. And rather than create and maintain an efficient war machine and militaristic state, they've let the whole damn thing fall to pieces. They didn't even follow the recommendations of the 9-11 panel.

How simple was that? Here's what you need to do to stop the next 9-11. Just do it. No, take the list. Take the damn list.

Nope. We're begging for another 9-11. Osama is the best friend that Georgie ever had. Osama kept him in power an extra four years over the four he stole. And, since he's running around free and all the ports and nuclear facilities are left unprotected, maybe Osama can gift Karl Rove with another 9-11 and another Georgie.

The Rove Junta is a lot like a drunk in a bar telling everyone what they'd do if they were president. Actually, that sounds a lot like Georgie himself. Or if the drunk were hockey commissioner. "I'd get rid of the blue and the red lines - I hate lines!"

You would only hope that the drunk would never put his hands on the lever of hockey power. All those stupid 'night before the morning after' ideas.

But we got our national drunk.

And it's going to be a long hangover. Happy Pearl harbor Day.


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