Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Lots and Lots

How many civilians dead in Iraq? According to a dangerously unscripted Georgie Bush, 30,000 "more or less." More or less? Lives? More or less lives? For what?

Putting aside our courageous service people who've given their last full measure in this benighted conflict - 2100 and counting - what ever gave Georgie the right to kill 30,000 innocent people? He continually harps on 'a world better off without Saddam,' but is that world worth 32,100 human lives?

And can we add that to the list of pre-war lies? We were told that we would go in with 'smart' munitions and pull off the invasion without breaking a lot of eggs - or bodies. Turns out, not so much.

Would the American people have okayed a mission that would slaughter so many innocents? At the cost of 30,000 civilians, couldn't we have let Hans Blix back in for another tour or two?

Of course the 'make Saddam agree to inspections' stuff was pure mouse pellets to begin with. It's becoming more clear by the day (as if was ever obscured) that the war was a done deal even before 9-11. But can the Republican Go-along still live with themselves? Can they stand that many bodies on their conscience?

I suppose I'm looking in the wrong direction if it's a conscience I seek. Those Republicans who had one in 2000 quickly sold out to the Junta. There are very few (if any) Americans left in that party.

John McCain wants to be one, though. As a POW, he was tortured as an American by the NVA. Surely, that gives him some standing when he insists that the US no longer torture prisoners. Of course, the Dick Cheney (who should, himself, be labeled an 'enemy combatant') knows better. Dick knows that you can't lie a country into war without producing lies labeled as 'intelligence.'

And it's much harder to manufacture that stuff without breaking a few bones.

Georgie says he's close to an agreement with McCain over torturing people. The fact that it's a disgrace to our once-proud nation to even have that conversation is yet another reality that Georgie is incapable of grasping.


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