Friday, December 02, 2005

Diet of Irony

Scandalous! How could they do that? Like Captain Renault in the great Casablanca - who was shocked SHOCKED to find gambling going on in Rick's Cafe Americain (as he pocketed his 'winnings'), Georgie's White House Gang is just stunned and appalled to hear that the Pentagon is paying journalists and planting stories in the Iraqi media. Shocked!

Never mind that it's their own military that's doing it (if you don't believe me just ask Rummy whose military it is). And they paid a typically well-connected shady neocon company to do it. The company, of course, seems to have been set up just to suck in these donations.

But do these guys live on irony? Are they some sort of When on-universe demon cult that feeds on the energy generated by ironic hypocrisy? Because the air is just thick with the stuff. If there aren't any ironic-hypocrisy-eating demons around, we should invent a few because they'd be really happy and well-fed these days.

Because when Scott McClellan "that the Bush administration was "very concerned" about the reports of paid-for news," every irony-feeder on the planet has to groan at their delicious over-feeding.

Umm, you guys paid "journalists" for positive stories in the American media until you got caught. You produced news segments pushing your propaganda - and complicit TV stations broadcast them as news. Until you got caught.
"We asked the Department of Defense to look into this," said McClellan. "And
we're seeking more information. I know that the Pentagon is seeking more
information, as well. The United States is a leader when it comes to promoting
and advocating a free and independent media around the world, and we will
continue to do so."

Aside from the richness of the untruth and the teetering unreality of it all, isn't it further proof that the Junta knows they are wrong? Time after time, they deny what they've done. They publicly run from their beliefs. "We don't torture." "We had good reason to invade Iraq." "Tax cuts and corporate giveaways are good for the economy." "We're against false journalism."

None of those statements are true. They know that they torture, but they deny it. So they know torture is wrong but do it anyway. They know better than anyone that they lied to invade Iraq, but in denying that there were lies, it proves their consciousness of guilt. Tax cuts? They know they're killing the economy (it's what they want to do - "Starve the Beast"). And on and on.

And now this. What they're really opposed to, other than work of any kind, is telling people their real intent. By keeping the truth to themselves, they can keep that truth pliable. So when things go disastrously wrong (take for example everything they've ever tried), they can secretly re-define their original intent to make themselves right.

Things like a 'promise' or a 'public record' are for weak people who have 'morals' and 'ethics' that make them silly old 'Americans' and 'patriots.' Better to publicly smear a war hero than give up the no-bid cashola for Halliburton! Better to kill 20,000 Iraqi cilivians than to, well, do much of anything else.

And the insurgency is in its "last throes." There's a plan for victory - just keep doing the things that are losing, and eventually we'll distract you with something else so you'll stop asking.


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