Friday, December 09, 2005


As if we needed more reminders of the up-is-down priorities that our governing neocons impose on us, we have our newly-passed tax cuts to keep us cold this winter. Almost $100 billion in cuts, most of it in the form of gifts to the wealthy people who get all the love from the Junta.

This, of course, on the heels of $50 billion in budget cuts. Cuts, of course, that come in the form of a strip off the back of the needy. Student loans have been cut - because lord knows we need more non-skilled labour. Hey - it's not like we want our economy to run on brain power. We're perfectly content to let India do all of our thinking for us.

For neocons like Dick Cheney, education is only an excuse to stay out of a war. Well, that's why he studied, anyway. Army recruitment is down, so we need to force smart poor kids to duck a few bullets (or, in some cases, catch them) in order to deserve ane education.

Unless you're rich, you earn your education on the battlefield, not in the classroom. If they're the scion of the rich, they've already proven their worth through their parents' bank accounts.

Food stamps are cut, because if you don't know how to forage for food in the woods (or the inner city) now is the perfect time to learn.

And child support payment enforcement has been cut, because single mothers are clearly not nagging enough to get their payments. And if deadbeat dads are so bad, why did the neocon national deity make so many of them?

The most surreal part is that the neocons keep trying to sell the snake oil that 'tax cuts create economic growth.' Nope. Every time serious reality-based economists take a look at tax cuts, all they see are budget deficits. And since the cuts are targeted exclusively at the rich, the only people who benefit are the rich.

Look: Richie Rich is going to buy that Lexus no matter how much you tax him. When you hand him our nation's lifeblood in 'reverse Robin Hood' tax breaks, he's going to spend it in the Bahamas, not in the community. And he sure as hell isn't passing it along in the form of higher wages.

This is proof that there never will be a functioning time machine. If there were ever such a device, our progeny would be coming back from three generations hence to strangle us for pre-spending their money and handing them a crippling debt years before their parents have been born.


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