Wednesday, December 14, 2005


He should have seen this coming. I mean, he's been dealing with White House reptilian life forms enough to be a political herpetologist. And yet, it seems, John McCain got bushwhacked by the Komoto Dragons.

McCain's been fighting to keep a measure that he had passed overwhelmingly in the Senate to ban any US government representative from torturing anyone anywhere in the world. Seemed pretty straightforward - except to nine Senators and a deeply unAmerican administration.

So against all American values are the Junta Generalissimos who lead the nation, they've been fighting McCain on this measure since he first introduced the concept. Why not exclude the CIA - let them use the nudity and dog threatening and stuff? McCain, as a former torture victim and current holder of a soul, said 'forget it.'

But Georgie and Chicanery are big into the torture. Are they into the bondage straps and the whips and chains in their personal lives? Do they go home to their first ladies and get "waterboarded?"

Regardless, we shouldn't do it to people who don't beg us for it. And McCain was seeing to that, except that he made a tactical mistake.

His legislation calls for the use of the Army Field Manual to set the rules on treatment of detainees. Since the Junta can't get their vampire-like rules passed in Congress, they'll do the next best thing.

Yes, they changed the manual. They added ten classified pages which deal with how to pull the arms off and beat the 'suspect' with them.

McCain should have realized that unless he had his own references and rules, the reptiles would simply take all the mammalian references out on their own.

Meanwhile, Condo has just completed her tour of Europe and successfully delivered the standard Junta reply to concerns about torture: "shut the hell up!"

Lie and deny. Just another day at the Junta.


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