Tuesday, December 20, 2005


In a rare pre-dawn session, House Republicans passed their viscous budget. How can these people hold power so tightly? Have Americans just quit on their own democracy?

Because there's no way in hell that a majority of Americans want their government to cut health, food, and foster care for the poor. And there's no (further) way they want to starve poor children and let them suffer without medical carte while spending that money and much more on tax cuts for the rich. It just can't be.

And yet there it is. Billions in cuts with laser-like focus on the less fortunate, offset by even more billions of cash gift to the more fortunate - targeted with the same lasers. Are there any voters that want this?

"I don't know what the poor, the elderly, the disabled, or our foster children have done to Republicans to deserve this. . . . just a few days before Christmas, ," fumed Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.).

And yet, Republicans continue to destroy us and then go on to keep power. Their deceptions of voters is unprecedented. And voters eat it up with a spoon. It's as though they've created an alternate-reality-inertiam, where the version of the world that they've whipped up ficticiously seems so real to the common voter that the imposition of reality seems surreal.

Did you know your Congressman voted to cut health care for poor children? Of course not - Rep. Greenback wouldn't do that! He's pro-growth! He's pro-life!

Right. And while they're starving them and denying them medical care, they're spying on them.

Not only did Georgie sign an illegal order for the NSA to wiretap Americans without court orders, he got the FBI to spy on groups and individuals like PETA and Greenpeace without any evidence or provocation - in defiance of law.

Just like the days of Hoover and his closetful of dresses and blackmail evidence, the FBI is not monitoring groups who might cause trouble for the only people who count in Georgie's America - the wealthy and the corporations. After all, who has Greenpeace ever hurt but environmental rapists?

Whether you're for or against the Catholic Workers league ("communists" according to the FBI - no, it's not 1955, it's still 2005), it's pretty easy to see that they're not the same sort of threat as bin Laden and his cohorts. While the surveillance and infiltration of the Catholics is going on, those agents are not looking for the next 9-11 attackers.

So, in really simple math that even conservatives can understand, more FBI agents on the PETA beat mean less on the terror beat. Got it?

Of course, protecting industrial profits has always come before protecting Americans to this Junta.


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