Thursday, April 09, 2015

This Just In!

Fox News is giving me that 'come hither' look again and I just can't stay away.

Today's outrage comes in the form of a Fox News poll:  by a large majority, Fox respondents want  you off their damn lawn!  I'm not kidding - get off their lawn!

Shockingly, the Fox poll shows that people think taxes are too high.  Another result shows that water tastes "too bland" and is "all wet."  Because, really, who is going to say that taxes are too low?  Certainly not the millionaires and Tea Party crazies who keep the lights on at Fox.  Even rational people (and I don't think this poll found any to ask) will prefer to pay less to the government.  Yes, I'd rather buy a new [fill in the object of my avarice] than pay that money to whatever level of government is asking for it.

Except that if you ask people what government should do, they'll give you a list of things that all cost money.  Most of us would like the government to stay in the road building (and fixing) business.  Then there's the not letting my house burn down aspect - that's a good one.  And since I don't want to watch my fellow citizens starve to death or die of treatable illnesses, let's all kick in for food assistance and health care. 

Even Fox viewers (especially Fox viewers) want a strong defense.  So let's arm our soldiers.  I'd take the step Fox & Friends don't want to take:  let's provide medical and other support for veterans when we're done with their service.  That all costs money.  And that's okay.  But the burden of taxation must be fair, and that means that the people and organizations which extract the most from our society - the wealthy and corporations - must pay more for the privilege of picking our collective pockets. 

They lead the poll "results" with Saint Reagan:

"The latest Fox News poll shows by a 67-18 percent margin, voters agree that the assessment by Ronald Reagan of the nation’s woes in 1981 applies today as well: That government is not the solution to our problems -- government is the problem."

You're clearly still on Fox's lawn and you'd better get off.  Yes, Fox viewers have not changed their opinion on anything since Reagan.  Who were the 18% of Foxers (or whoever they called - I think they're pretending this was a real survey) who thought that the government isn't the problem?  Maybe that's the part of the Fox demographic (average viewer age:  68) who can remember the Great Depression.

The Great Depression was that time when future Fox sponsors and parents of future Fox sponsors screwed the economy so badly that some of them ended up actually suffering along with the millions of average lives destroyed.  Presidents Coolidge and Hoover provided the Republican response:  let them starve.  Franklin D. Roosevelt provided the human response, and Foxers will - literally - never forgive him for it. 

But those 18%-ers may not have forgotten what it was like living in Depression America.  Before FDR created Social Security, the elderly and people with disabilities just died.  If they didn't have family - who were broke themselves - or some other charity (and charities quickly went broke in the 1930's) they would just starve.  Sorry for your luck.  If you are old enough to recall the food and jobs that FDR used to get America working again, you might be part of the 18% of their poll. 

The Crazy Right are the people who denounce socialist medical care while telling pols to keep their hands off Medicare.  Huh? 

Government is the problem only if you don't understand what the problem really is.  Government didn't steal your retirement savings.  Wall Street did the moment that FDR era controls were lifted.  Government didn't put your elderly relatives in the hospital - government kept them there to get well under programs like Medicare and Medicaid - and now Obamacare. 

Government is the problem if you're trying to swindle investors out of their life savings, or if you're going to the casinos with savings deposit money.  Certainly government isn't enough of a problem for people in those lines of work, because their fellow travellers in the new rightest Congress have their backs and water down any real financial reform. 

So to recap:  Fox is unreconstructed right wing pablum created by the greedy and fed to the misguided.  And they did a poll that agrees with them! 

So I'm getting a big old umbrella and a beach blanket.  I plan to stay on their lawn for a good long while yet.


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