Sunday, March 15, 2015

Modder Foxer

Lt. Cmdr. Wes Modder is - or rather was - a chaplain in the US Navy.  Wes was suspended recently because his style of hate-counselling isn't in what you'd call the highest tradition of our armed forces.  Fox News and the usual Fox News Outraged Former Politicians (tm) believe that Wes's right to religious liberty has been trampled.  Trampled!

Wes is accused by his GAY MARRIED! assistant of:

"Telling a woman that she was “shaming herself in the eyes of God” for having premarital sex.
Telling a student that homosexuality was wrong and that “the penis was meant for the vagina and not for the anus.”
Berating an unmarried student for becoming pregnant."

So Modder is fighting for his right to be a sex-shaming, homo-hating Neanderthal Bible-basher.  Good luck with that.  Wes believes that since his religion is intolerant and backward, he should get to tell military personnel what he thinks they should do - and not do - with various body parts. 

Good old Fox is finding support for Wes's message to military naughty bits:

"Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), a Southern Baptist Air Force Reserve chaplain, told me he plans to raise the issue of Chaplain Modder with the Pentagon.

“The religious liberty issue in the military needs to stop,” Collins said. “The rulings are clear. As a chaplain we are provided to stay within the tenets of our faith. You cannot force me to counsel or to provide service outside the tenets of my faith.”'

Yes, that's true:  as a Chaplain, you have to go with what your faith commands.  But the part that's missing from their little heads is that if your faith contradicts the rights of serving military personnel to live their lives as they need to you must QUIT.  If you can't support the homo sex stuff, fine:  don't be a chaplain. 

Your right to suck up my tax dollars is dependant on your performance of your duties.  If your religion is so ISIS-narrow, than okay.  Go back to whatever 'speaking in tongues' snakepit you crawled out of.  You're not eligible to serve in the military forces I pay for. 

Of course, presidential hopefuls - as in 'not a hope in hell' - Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum stand shoulder to shoulder with Wes.  Their tolerance for intolerance knows no bounds.  Ted Cruz is all over this as well.  It will be fun for the three to get a media bounce when the religious Modders keep them in the primary race long enough to show America how much they are not needed. 

The last bit of mirth in this story is provided by the title:  "More than 40,000 rally for Navy chaplain accused of being anti-gay."  40,000 people signed an on-line petition.  Wow.  Librarians at public libraries South of  the Mason-Dixon line must have been pretty busy showing all the Fox-watching geezers (median viewer age 68) how to sign an on-line petition!


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