Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bringing Up Bibi

The Crazy Right (tm) that's running the Republican Party these days is a hyper thermonuclear generator of pure Irony and Hypocrisy.  And you have to be careful around that stuff.  It is pure and uncut.  I mean, the used to 'step on it' for use on humans by cutting it with terms like 'Compassionate Conservative."  Not any more.  This stuff is pharmacy-grade.

The latest is their letter to Iran.  In it, they say they'll stop any agreement reached by the Obama White House.  I'm trying to think of a word like 'disgraceful' but with a tinge of 'treasonous.'  In the country they mimic love for - America - the executive branch gets to do the foreign policy.  The Senate gets to ratify treaties, not negotiate them. 

But this isn't a treaty.  The unhinged neo-fascist Republicans will do anything to keep their country of residence (not of loyalty) in a permanent state of war.  A diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear problem (not 'crisis') would end their constant braying to attack that country. 

As much as they hate Obama, he's done a pretty good job of keeping the U.S. on a permanent war footing.  The military-industrial complex that owns most of Congress has little reason to fear that he's going to start ordering plowshares any time soon. 

The letter doubles-down on their outrageous invitation to the rightist PM of Israel Bibi Netanyahu to speak to Congress.  Again, that's not their job. 

The ultra-powerful Hypocrisy Generator that powers their movement screams like a virgin in a horror movie any time Obama can be accused of overstepping.  But they get to overstep.  Why?

In part it's because they broke all the rules already.  They set records for using the filibuster when in the minority and ensured that the last Congress was the least effective in history.  They lie as a matter of course - it's their only language.  They play to their base endlessly, creating an ignorant and dysfunctional worldview based on clear falsehoods.  Obamacare doesn't work!  Except that it does.  Global warming is a hoax!  Except that it isn't.  They Gays!  The Gays!  They're ruining marriage!  Except that their rights have nothing whatsoever to do with the rights of heterosexuals.  Everybody gets rights - it's in that document they're trying to shred - the Constitution. 

No more rules.  No more 'gentlemen's agreement' on the filibuster.  Indeed - no more gentle or civilized behaviour.  Only a Fox News perspective that the Crazy Right (tm) is always allowed to do whatever they want because freedom. 

Look:  if Obama can cut a deal with Iran to stop them from building a bomb - or trying to - that's a good thing.  The President already said he'd take 'no deal over a bad deal.'  The US and Israel are not going to unilaterally disarm.  If the Iranians don't live up to their end of the deal we'll know and we'll act. 

The threat to the American way of life is not coming from Iran or anywhere in the Middle East.  It's coming from the American right. 


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