Monday, March 30, 2015

Mexican Union

Great story - as usual - from Fox News today.  Apparently, the federal National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) signed an agreement with the government of Mexico to teach Mexicans about their federal rights to UNIONIZE (once they cross the border, however they cross the border). 

Not only that, but the governments of Ecuador and the Philippines signed similar agreements with the NLRB.  No talks yet of any similar agreements being reached by the NLRB with Kenya. 

Imagine an America where employers can't horsewhip illegal Mexicans without them going all Norma Rae.  Why, if Mexicans know their rights, they may use them!  Where will we be then?  I don't want to live is a dystopian America that pays foreign brown people more than $1 an hour. 

And get this:  the NLRB can actually get visas for illegals to stay in the country if they're part of a labor investigation.  So you club your Mexicans into working 50-hour days and pay them a dollar a ton for cotton picking, and then you can't fire them to get them deported ahead of the law?  What kind of world is that?  When I mistreat my guest workers, I want to do so knowing that I can get them out on the banana boat well ahead of the heat. 

What's really funny about this article is that it makes no criticisms at all about these agreements.  Not a word.  Because they know that if you're reading it, you are already outraged.  You can hear the dog whistle.  Your tax dollars are being spent to unionize illegal workers!  You know what to do (eat more cheesies and complain to the mailman).  This is a straight story about the US signing these agreements in the Politics section - with no political commentary at all.  They literally don't even have to say it. 

The other funny thing is that it made the news at all.  Nobody else (that I can find) is reporting this "story." Unless you hate the feds and you hate the illegals, there's just nothing there.  Talk about knowing your audience! 

There's a quote from the NLRB:

"Those are the only countries that the NLRB has MOUs [Memorandums of Understanding] with," said spokeswoman Jessica Kahanek."

You can just hear the sigh in her voice, can't you?  The call came in from the Bureau of Rightist Freakouts (in this case the 'Washington Examiner' picked up by our dear friends at Fox), and poor Jessica drew the short straw.  Can't you just see it? 

'Who's going to talk to the Examiner guy?'
'No way - I did last week.'   
'Jessica - you get it!'
'Put it on speaker!'

And that was the only quote they used.  It's so completely in their sweet spot that all they need is to toss it out there.

It's a bit like picking on Fox News - it's too easy.  You want to find the dumb + racist, Fox will hook you up any time day or night.  Some of us go there to be shocked by the depths of Fox depravity, but others go there to be shocked by the 'depravity' that Fox reports on.  It's the two sides of the bell curve meeting in the middle.

Fair and Balanced indeed.


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