Friday, February 27, 2015

Faux News: The Irony Generator

It occurs to me that if you don't understand irony, your are bound to create it.  Case in point:  Fox News.  Truly an organization bereft of introspection or self-doubt.  Doubting oneself involves questioning your own thoughts or actions.  Fox doesn't question.  They make it up and then they tell it.  If you don't think it's right because of some, I don't know, facts or something, that makes you part of the problem. 

Immune to the ironic, this is what was on the Fox News page this morning:

Side-by-side, like dance partners, the "top-selling rifle" threatened by the bad ATF (Waco!  Waco!) and the latest in an unending series of gun tragedies in the US.  Irony - I rebuke thee!

The AR-15, in case you didn't grow up in the US (I guarantee every American reading this knows what an AR-15 is), is a civilian version of the military M-16 assault rifle.  It is accurate, has decent range, and is lethal when it strikes virtually any part of the human body. 

"I don't know anyone walking around who's been hit by one."

Years after Columbine, and even years since Bowling for Columbine, America's gun problem persists.  In the latest tragedy (above) a shooter killed 7 and then himself.  Another person is dead of natural causes.  It says a lot when the mystery death in the scenario was by natural causes. 

Guns kill people.  Nobody runs around stabbing 7 people to death. 

Chris Rock had it right when he said:  "bullets should cost $5000."  No innocent bystanders killed anymore.  And now it seems the Obama administration is trying to take away Americans cherished freedom to commit gun atrocities. 

If you don't think that's a good idea, just check the Fox News Irony Generator.  You'll say "hey!  Obama's overstepping his...  Wait a minute.  Another senseless gun killing?  Okay, I'm cool with the AR-15 thing."

Thanks, Fox News!


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