Monday, December 17, 2007

Democtatic (?) Congress

I have absolutely no clue what is going on in the United States of America anymore. I can't pretend to have any sort of insight into the political process or how the media reports on it.

Today's activities are only the most recent example. Here's what's happening:

1) The Bush Junta illegally spied on American citizens with the aid of private telecommunications companies.
2) Those companies are being sued for their illegal activities.
3) Bush doesn't want those companies sued or found guilty of anything in a court of law. That would point the finger at his own lawbreaking, and we just can't have that.
4) Before the 2006 elections and in the period between the November elections and the Democratic take-over in January, Bush tried to push through a bill that would give him vast new powers and retroactive immunity for the telecoms.
5) It didn't work.

That's all par for the course these days. Presidential lawbreaking - that's old. Corporate lawbreaking - please. Here's the new part: the Democrats are so pathetically absent from their responsibilities that they are fighting fellow Democrats - Senators - to support the Bush agenda.

6) Sen Chris Dodd put a 'Hold' on any bill that provided retroactive immunity to telecoms. Holds in the Senate stop bills completely on threat of fillibuster. Sen Harry Reid, the Majority Leader, has respected holds from Republicans on bills concerning everything up to and including torture.
7) But Reid would not respect Democratic Senator - and presidential candidate - Chris Dodd's hold. He sent the bill to the floor with telecom immunity.
8) So Dodd flew back to Washington to start his filibuster.
9) and the Senate voted to shut him the hell up. 76-10.

What has happened to my country?

These elitist out of touch losers are giving up any pretense of having morals or understanding what the Constitution says, or what it means to be an American.

There might be some electoral strategy here to not shake things up too much before 08, but there are no good reasons to do what Reid and the Senate have done. Just as the venal and corrupt Republican leadership sold everything for Bush and the monied powers behind him, the Democrats have made a much more evil deal.

Because we never expected Republicans to do anything but enrich themselves and try to increase their power - that's all they do. But Democrats?

They were elected to put the brakes on the runaway evil of the Bush Junta. And they've joined it instead. There is literally no constituency for them. If people wanted Republican leadership, they would have voted Republican.

And there is no electoral strategy that would justify giving legal immunity to Bush or his lawbreaking cronies. Nothing justifies the actions of this criminal executive.

I don't know who the hell these people are. They sure aren't Americans.


Blogger Unknown said...

I never cease to be amazed at how the Bush Administration acts as if it was the legitimate authority on all matters global and domestic. I can't believe G.W. Bush has gotten away with SO many lies and illegal activities. As always, though, you've nailed the problems clearly in your blog. Thanks for the voice of reason!

10:07 AM  

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