Thursday, July 05, 2007

New Exemplar

Oh for crying out loud - now he's George Washington. In his Fourth of July speech (to a military audience, naturally - any civilians would boo him), our Toddler President likened his chosen fiasco in Iraq to the American Revolution. What's next, the Clone Wars?

So far it's been WWII, then it was the Cold War. Then he was Winston Churchill, then Harry Truman. Now it's the Revolution. Wow. Such grasping. And in each case, he's clearly the polar opposite of the exemplar he calls forth.

He's not Churchill, the savior of Western Civilization, but rather Chamberlain, the British PM who looked into Hitler's soul and saw a guy he could deal with. You know, somebody to appease. By the way, Georgie, how's the soulfulness in Vlad Putin's eye's these days? Havin' fun getting conned in Kennebunkport?

He's sure no Truman - though he's just as unpopular. But the true heart of a war hero and straight shooter like Truman has nothing in common with Georgie. Truman chose to stay engaged with the world when Americans, tired from their war sacrifices, wanted to turn inward. Senator Taft and Tom Dewey sure did - and it's a good thing those Republicans were not given any power. We faced a real international threat to our existence then - international communism.

Truman didn't have to lie about the threat to grasp at straws of power the way Georgie has. His opponents internationally were an existential threat to the US. And his internationalism and treaty-building saved America and the world.

If Taft or Dewey had been able to gain the power they wanted, we'd all be speaking Russian now. And Georgie would have dodged out of the Soviet draft through his parents influence.

And now Washington. Oye. That's a hard one to even mock. Washington put his life and fortune on the line to create a nation of laws - laws that this little Georgie has done nothing but mock and shred. Washington fought for the Constitution - Bush fights to tear it up.

As usual, it's the polar opposite that's most appropriate. King George III was the scion of royalty, never threatened with actual combat, ruled with supreme power, and was humiliated by an insurgency across a vast ocean.

Happy 4th, Georgie. But no more history for you - it's like makeup on a child: the more you put on, the dumber you look.


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