Friday, June 29, 2007


Further evidence to store under the heading: "these guys actually believe in nothing but dumping tax dollars on their friends." I mean, they get rid of tax money like it's the gay al Qaeda.

Consider, for a moment, that DHS has been draining the treasury through no-bid contracts for year. Consider that these contracts are many times larger than they are supposed to be.

And then remember that these are Repubs. They are supposed to be the ones who will teach us 'over-spending liberals' about restraint and market forces. 'Restraint' being the word for not spending it if you don't have the money - that idea left when the Gingrich greed-monsters took Congress in '94. They did away with 'pay-as-you-go' - the Democratic system where new spending had to be offset with cuts elsewhere.

No, the 'bridge to nowhere' Repubs can't restrain themselves. They've run up a historic deficit by paying off their supporters. Corporate welfare and hand-outs to millionaires are just the tip of the graft iceberg to them. The cost of government will go down now that grown-ups are back in charge, but the damage has been done.

But what about market forces?

Remember when the rightists used to lecture about the market where everything was efficient and competition drove prices and big government was so bad? Wasn't that supposed to be a core belief?

Well, as will all other beliefs - moral, ethical, or legal - they can't stand in the way of paying off friends who have their hands out. The private no-bid contracts in this case cost $124 million, rather than the $2 million contracted for. Without bids. Over years.

So there's your lesson in the holy power of Market Forces: it doesn't exist. There is no power - because the greed of rightists will always fix the deal.

Real loyal civil servants would have done a much better job at a much lower cost, but that's not tolerated in the Bush Debacle. In an effort to prove that they're right, they again prove themselves not only wrong, but disastrously wrong and unprecedented in their wrongness.

Privatization of government is a failure. Government works best when it's run by people who know what they're doing.

Which clearly does not include any of the Junta fellow travellers.


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