Tuesday, June 26, 2007


As usual, the Junta has proven itself clever only at deceit. All the other stuff it's supposed to do - like obey the law - is a complete wash-out.

See, the CIA just released the so-called "Family Jewels." It's an archive of all the bad stuff it did up to the 1970's. You know, like recruit A-list mobsters to 'hit' Castro. That sort of stuff.

Which is great, but it made me wonder - why? There's no Church Committee (more's the pity) breathing down their necks. Nobody but the Junta itself is blaming the CIA for anything in particular, and that's an obvious scapegoating ploy - no mystery there.

Then it occurred to me - secrets. While Darth Cheney and Scooter and the vile Davis Addington are making their handling of secrets into a personal Alamo, and the topic of official lies and a cult sinister secrecy is getting more play, the Junta has struck back - with other peoples' secrets.

Instead of releasing the notes from their thoroughly corrupt Energy Task Force, they're releasing Tricky Dick's dirty laundry. As demands for truth are starting (only starting) to be heard, the Junta is supplying truth - from 30 or more years ago.

So when their press puppies start yipping about secrecy, they'll say: "Hey! We published the damn Family Jewels. We don't see you publishing your Family Jewels. We're far more transparent than we need to be!"

And the puppies will roll over for their belly scratch, and the Progressive Internets will have a spasm of outrage, and the Wingnuts will have a spasm of just plain rage.

It's all a cover; a diversion. It's dirty politics. You know, the only thing they're good at.


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