Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Real Treason

Harry Truman thought war profiteers were traitors to their country, and the Truman Commission in the Senate went after all of them, vigorously, regardless of connections or party affiliation.

Ah yes, the good old days.

Al Gore, in his brilliant new book, point out the fundamental problem with the Junta ruling the US now - I won't say they're "running" it. That is, they do not believe in the existence of a public interest. They are entirely creatures of private, individual interests of monied and powerful people, and the interests of the organizations that those people profit from.

So it should come as no surprise that these connected cronies have been looting the treasury of the United States as if, well, as if it's their own money and they're entitled to it.

Out of the billions of dollars that have left the treasury - sometimes in blocks of literally tons of cash - the DoD has recovered only $6.1 million from stealing or over-billing. Billions gone missing, no-bid contracts to cronies everywhere, and charges of fraud in abundance, and yet the Justice Department has gone after exactly nobody.

This is one of those break points. Okay, so the executive office is greedier than Scrooge McDuck and as un-American as Admiral Tojo - but we still have Justice, don't we? Just because every other part of the executive branch has a price sticker on it, surely the dedicated servants of justice at Justice don't go along?

Because, if that's the case, it means that the top law enforcement agencies in the country don't believe in the rule of law. That means there are law enforcement agents on the federal payroll who are against justice.

And there they are.

They've refused to prosecute war profiteers. They've refused any attempt to recover tax dollars from thieves - traitors, really.

"Basically, they have done nothing , and it is hard to explain what is going on there, other than direct orders from the very top of government," said Patrick Burns , director of communications for Taxpayers Against Fraud, a center that advises whistle-blowers on filing suits to recover government funds. "It can no longer be explained by incompetence alone." [emphasis added]

That about sums it up. Sure, there's incompetence - lots of it. But it can't just be incompetence. And it's not just people who don't believe in a 'public interest.' It's people who somehow got raised up in America without cherishing the ideal of justice itself.

So, just to list it, voter fraud to suppress minority voting rights, foot-dragging on any case against Repubs, US Attorneys fired for political reasons, torture okay, habeas corpus gone, Geneva convention "quaint," unlimited detention without trial or representation is fine, rendition to even worse torturers fine, all decisions on every subject made on political grounds.

That's your justice department.

What kind of monsters are these? They haven't just stolen money and taken lives; they've perverted the most cherished founding principles of America.

If criminals can steal vast sums and the nation's cops and prosecutors protect them for political reasons, you are no longer in America. You may be there physically, but America is no longer there for you.


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